September 25, 2006

Serbian government says Ahtisaari is biased

Serbian government says Ahtisaari is biased


Serbian government says Ahtisaari is biased

25.9.2006 at 11:03

The Serbian government said on Sunday that Martti Ahtisaari, the Finnish UN mediator in talks over the future of Kosovo, clearly harboured sympathies for the Albanian separatist cause.

"It would be more honest of (Martti) Ahtisaari if he stepped down instead of seeing him openly, in front of the whole world, fall in line behind the Albanian separatists," Agence France-Presse quoted Srdjan Djuric, a Serbian government spokesman, as saying on Sunday.

"We are entitled to ask ourselves whether or not Mr Ahtisaari will organise, as his mandate stipulates, serious negotiations over the future of the province," he told Serbian news agency Tanjug.

Mr Ahtisaari was president of Finland in 1994-2000.


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NewsRoom Finland

Martti Ahtisaari: Honoring and Commemorating Finland’s Nazi SS Troops


Martti Ahtisaari: Honoring and Commemorating Finland's Nazi SS Troops

September 18th, 2006

Martti Ahtisaari: Honoring and Commemorating Finland's Nazi SS Troops

These are the Finnish Nazi SS troops which Martti Ahtisaari planned to honor and commemorate in 1999. The fifth photograph from the top shows SS-Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner, one of Adolf Hitler's favorite commanders,  inspecting the Finnish Volunteer SS-Battalion "Nordost" on May 23, 1943 with SS-Obersturmbannführers Hans Collani (left), the commander of the battalion, and Finnish Liaison Officer Kalervo Kurkiala (second from left), and Finnish Major Erkki Kokko. Steiner was the commander of the 5th SS Volunteer Division "Wiking", to which the Finnish Nazi SS Battalion "Nordost" was attached. The Wiking SS Division committed numerous massacres during World War II. He commanded the 11th SS Panzer Army during the last weeks of the war in 1945 when Adolf Hitler tasked him with defending Berlin from the advancing Russian forces. Steiner commanded the SS Regiment Deutschland before the formation of Wiking. This is the photo link:

A Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) news dispatch from 1999 on Martti Ahtisaari's plan to honor Finland's Nazi SS troops, "Finnish Jews Upset over Commemoration", Helsinki, Friday, May 28, 1999:



Hidden Manipulators: Who is Behind the “Kosova Independence” Campaign?

 Carl Savich

Hidden Manipulators: Who is Behind the "Kosova Independence" Campaign?

September 20th, 2006

     The Balkans conflicts of the 1990s saw a massive revival and resurgence of US and Western media propaganda and infowar techniques. The "new" advocacy journalists recalled the "yellow journalism" of William Randolph Hearst, who helped induce the US to engage in the imperialistic or colonial war in Cuba in 1898, the Spanish-American War. This marked the emergence of the US as an expansionist global imperial and colonial power, like Britain, France, Spain, and Germany had been. Hearst was credited with manufacturing or "furnishing" the war in Cuba.

     Frederic Remington, his correspondent in Cuba, reported that nothing was happening in Cuba, that all was quiet. He told Hearst that there would be no war. In a famous dispatch back to Remington, Hearst told Remington to stay: "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."

     This was the same policy pursued in Kosovo. US correspondent Anna Husarska admitted that this was the policy. She explained and detailed the strategy in this article:

Anna Husarska said: For a decade, Albanians living in Kosovo have complained about their lack of an independent state, "yet they don't do anything about it. No grafitti, no signs, no demonstrations."

While Kosovar Albanians profess pacifism, Anna Husarska explained, that should not prevent them from waging literary activism. "Ultimately, the passivity of this movement made it impossible for journalists to cover the problem because nothing was happening."

That, indeed, was the problem. Nothing was happening. The Albanians were not killing Kosovo Serb civilians and were not murdering Kosovo Serb and Kosovo Albanian policemen. "Nothing was happening" in Kosovo. Husarska was convinced that pacifism and peaceful change were useless, not even Albanians wanted to create a Greater Albania, an "independent Kosova". Like William Randolph Hearst, who developed "advocacy journalism", Husarska understood that war was needed, that NATO bombs were needed, that US "humanitarian intervention" was needed. But first, the Albanians had to start burning down Serbian Orthodox Churches and killing Serbian policemen and civilians in Kosovo. How else do you manufacture or "furnish" a war?

     Before Hearst, John L. O'Sullivan perfected the use of the media to advance political and military agendas. O'Sullivan was a journalist who propounded the concept of "manifest destiny" to advocate the US annexation of Texas and the Oregon territory in 1845, territory that did not belong to the US. He developed the subtle symbiosis of the media and the military and political sector working in tandem before Hearst and Husarska. He believed that the US had a "divine mandate" from "Providence" to expand and take over territory "in defence of humanity" and to spread the concept of the "universality of freedom and equality". President George W. Bush's globalist universal crusade to spread "democracy" and "freedom" owes more to O'Sullivan's manifest destiny than it does to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin or Leon Trotsky. It is home-grown, Made in the U.S.A. 

     What is remarkable is that Husarska reveals that the Kosovo conflict is actually about separatism and secession, about creating an "independent state" by means of force and violence. Internationally recognized borders were no longer respected. Secession and separatism were now promoted by Husarska and the ICG as valid and legitimate. Secession and separatism were the exact same things the Bosnian Serbs and Krajina Serbs were seeking. There was an obvious double-standard and inconsistent approach. Husarska and the ICG decided what separatist movements were valid and legitimate and which were not. Naturally, proxies, clients, and surrogates were the separatists and secessionists they suppported and backed and advocated for. We can get your "independent state" for you.

Husarska let slip that the Kosovo crisis was about creating an "independent state". The problem was: How do you "furnish" or manufacture a war that would create an "independent Kosova". This is a Freudian slip. But, in fact, Husarska has no intention of concealing her motives and agenda. The mask comes down. There is nothing about "humanitarian intervention" or "genocide" or "human rights" now. Nothing about "repression" and "oppression". The goal was an ethnically pure, ethnically cleansed, "independent Kosova". That was always the real reason all along. She is a news reporter and she worked for the International Crisis Group (ICG), whose Chairman Emeritus Martti Ahtisaari planned to honor and commemorate Finland's Nazi SS troops in 1999 when he was the President of Finland. How can you be a news correspondent and a member of a quasi-government and quasi-corporate militant, advocacy "think tank"? Isn't there a blatant conflict of interest that is both unethical and unprofessional? The bias and prejudice and hidden agenda are obvious.

     "Nothing was happening" in Kosovo. That soon changed. Husarska and the ICG then stepped in with an example of how the free media and the free press work in the "free world". Of course, we have all seen this before. William Randolph Hearst led the way in 1898. The "Kosova independence" campaign is not a spontaneous or natural phenomenon. It was manufactured or "furnished" from without and is not an indigenous movement. It is a totally manufactured and "furnished" movement with its origins outside of Kosovo. The 1878 League of Prizren genesis of the Greater Albania ideology requires a foreign sponsor to succeed, whether the outside sponsor is fascist Italy under Benito Mussolini or Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler or Habsburg Austria-Hungary under Emperor Franz Joseph or Ottoman Turkey under Sultan Abdul Hamid II. The Greater Albania ideology is not new and does not change. Only the outside, foreign sponsor changes. The only issue is that of outside, foreign sponsorship. Who is pulling the strings in this absurd puppet show?

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