December 09, 2004


Deception as a Way of Life (by Nebojsa Malic), Colin Powell spar on OSCE's double standards issue (by Vasily Bubnov) the Kosovo Humanitarians to Account (by John Pilger) Foreign Minister: Effects Of Kosovo March Slaughter Not Addressed Wreaking Havoc with Macedonia's Security, Still If Government Won't Do It, Will Macedonia's People Defend Themselves? Kondovo Brings Macedonia Back to 2001: Tanushevci Enters Skopje (by L. Janevski & N. Selmani) Government Absurdity: U�K Warlord Who Drained Kumanovo - Minister of Agriculture (by K. Machkikj) Imam Berisha Denies Fundamentalist Connection (by Irina Gelevska) won't bow to Cyprus, but. (by Yusuf Kanli) Provocation a stance... (by Stavros Lygeros), enough is enough (by Mehmet Ali Birand) privatization scam to affect Western banks? (by Aleksandar Pavic) US-backed "democracy movements" have produced in Serbia and Georgia (by Justus Leicht) postpones talks with Ukraine's FM amid political unrest's Paradigm defense minister: US base move would put 2-3,000 American military in Bulgaria

Deception as a Way of Life (by Nebojsa Malic)

Russia, Colin Powell spar on OSCE's double standards issue (by Vasily Bubnov)

Calling the Kosovo Humanitarians to Account (by John Pilger)

Russian Foreign Minister: Effects Of Kosovo March Slaughter Not Addressed

Kosovo Wreaking Havoc with Macedonia's Security, Still

Kondovo: If Government Won't Do It, Will Macedonia's People Defend Themselves?

Vest: Kondovo Brings Macedonia Back to 2001: Tanushevci Enters Skopje (by L. Janevski & N. Selmani)

Vest: Government Absurdity: U�K Warlord Who Drained Kumanovo - Minister of Agriculture (by K. Machkikj)

Skopje: Imam Berisha Denies Fundamentalist Connection (by Irina Gelevska)

Turkey won't bow to Cyprus, but. (by Yusuf Kanli)

Editorial: Provocation

Taking a stance... (by Stavros Lygeros)

EU, enough is enough (by Mehmet Ali Birand)

Balkan privatization scam to affect Western banks? (by Aleksandar Pavic)

What US-backed "democracy movements" have produced in Serbia and Georgia (by Justus Leicht)

NATO postpones talks with Ukraine's FM amid political unrest

NATO's Paradigm

AFP: defense minister: US base move would put 2-3,000 American military in Bulgaria