June 13, 2012

Vladimir vs Bilderberg

Vladimir vs Bilderberg

11.06.2012 20:20

By Xavier Lerma

Vladimir  Putin has been busier than Obama making excuses recently with trips to China and talks with leaders from Iran and Afghanistan.  Self interests aside, he clearly demonstrates a desire in defending Russia and nurturing Russia's future. However, like any good farmer, he's found many weeds sown by the enemy. The new law passed recently is a sword that protects Russian citizens and attacks people like McFaul, Soros and their Bilderberg friends.

Michael McFaul

This year in January, Obama's Unites States was so kind to send a new ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul.  He's no stranger to Russia.  Being a generous man, he helped bring chaos and misery to Russia in the 90's. You would think his Russian would be better than it is today but he doesn't really care. As he said,

"Most Russia-watchers are diplomats, or specialists on security and arms control. Or Russian culture. I am neither. I can't recite Pushkin by heart. I am a specialist in democracy, anti-dictatorial movements, and revolutions"

In other words he is a no account trouble maker. He paid people to protest during the Russian presidential election and like a disease they passed it on. He admits meeting with protesters when an NTV reporter asked him in this video (English subtitles). He has admitted in the past that the US was involved in the color Revolutions in the Ukraine and Georgia. He gladly wrote,

"Does this kind of intervention violate international norms? Not anymore."


McFeisty McFaul,  Gene Sharp with George Soros as his sponsor, are experts in starting color revolutions. It always seems to involve the US. Soros, who favors Romney now since he gave up on Obama, has been spreading "democracy" for years as a Bilderberger.  By the late 1990s, Soros gave $400 million annually for "democracy" programs in Europe. Unfortunately, the world has lost count since he spreads his wealth everywhere. When they say "spreading democracy" it means chaos and death as was prevalent in their Arab Spring.

Well, keep spreading the joy McFaul. Almost everyone loves money. Only this time "Vlad, Your Impaler", is making a few changes. The new Russian law that was passed by the Lower Duma in May, was signed by President Putin on June 8th  in this video. The law increases fines for illegal protests and protesters not willing to behave. Masks and weapons are now illegal. Leaders of the protests cannot have violated the law two or more times within a year. That leaves out a lot of McFaul's buddies. Too bad so sad. Protesters stepping over the line can get 20 to 200 hours of community service, for a maximum of four days a week. President Putin said,

"In enabling some of the public to express their opinions, including street action,

 a society must also protect the rest of the public from radicalism."

As I wrote in my article about the Bilderberg meeting, "...you can be sure few Russians are there. There are hateful critics of Russia's beloved Vladimir Putin like Garry Kasparov (Chairman) of the United Civil Front." There were two others there that cannot be overlooked. Igor Ivanov,President, Russian International Affairs Council, who was succeeded by Sergey Lavrov as foreign minister in 2004, dislikes Putin. Anatoly Chubais, , CEO of OJSC RUSNANO, is one of those who gutted Russia like a fish in the 90's and hates Putin for having the gall to stop him.

Of course, little Anatoly is also a friend of McFaul who was part of that Russian fish fry that illegally stole money from Russia. We know they have received new orders from the Bilderbergers to start another revolution in Russia or cause some other kind of misery. The question is, why do they waste their time in Russia? According to Wikileaks, even McFaul gets nervous around Putin. Never send a boy to do a man's job. I'm sure Putin laughs at their pathetic attempts.

Political Chess Master

President Putin is a chess master in world affairs and in protecting Russia. Nazi Germany underestimated Russia as the Communists underestimated Christianity. Naturally, the Bilderbergers underestimate Vladimir Putin, whom they have tried to assassinate this year in a video where US backed terrorist Doku Umarov is implicated. The Bilderbergers killed Kennedy and shot Reagan but they cannot kill their old nemesis who destroys their plans of world domination. In their NWO they demonize Putin who they incorrectly claim to be a Communist even though Zyuganov is the Communist leader and most Communists hate Putin like they do. You'd think the Bilderbergers would join the Communists openly and wear hammer and sickle T-shirts like they do in Chicago. FYI for the brainwashed, President Vladimir Putin has been and still is a member of the United Russia party whose symbol is a polar bear.

Vladimir Putin was born on the feast day of St Michael. Michael means, "Who is like unto God". In response to the pompous Bilderbergers, President Putin has kindly said, "Who the Hell are you?!" and has pushed Russia's enemies back wherever they have attacked. He has a solid team ready to help him and the blessings from God to protect him in this video, as well as millions of Russians who are not afraid to defend their faith when it's attacked. I know it won't stop the Bilderbergers since God is not part of their equation, but in the end it will.


President Putin was in China last June 5 - 7 in this unique video. He met Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun in Beijing on Tuesday. Putin met with President Hu Jintao and attended a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The SCO includes Russia, China, and four Central Asian nations - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Afghanistan received the status of an observer in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) last Thursday in this video where President Vladimir Putin congratulated Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai. Now, that's the way you treat Afghanistan.

He's unifying the East and making a profit for Russia and those countries involved. A big business opportunity: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree abolishing visas for Russian and foreigners owning business cards and office visits from countries participating in the forum, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) held in Vladivostok next September.


Needless to say, the western MSM ignored videos like this one, "Putin 2012  Iran", where President Putin lays down the law for Ahmadinejad. He not only wanted to expand business dealings with Iran in the Caspian Sea but also said,

"We have always supported the right of the Iranians to use the latest technology, including peaceful nuclear energy. I want to stress this - peaceful. You know where we stand on this: we faithfully adhere to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. But we also know where you stand, where Iran's government stands. Your position is that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons. and this is what we base everything on."

Lest we forget, it was Medvedev as president who cancelled the sale of S-300 missiles to Iran after Bibi cried to Putin. So, not only does Iran not have any long range missiles they do not have enough uranium to complete a nuclear weapon.  Israel, on the other hand, has 300 nuclear warheads ready to launch at any time.

Keep in mind Vladimir Putin always gets his way. Since he was a young man he knew how to be top dog, which is why he became a Judo expert. He verifies his position with Ahmadinejad as well as the rest of the world. He's willing to work with any country so long as their willing to work with him. Regarding the US/NATO missiles pointed at Russia, Putin said when he was in Paris recently,

"We are constantly being told that the missile defense system is not directed against Russia. We would like to receive military and technological guarantees fixed in legally binding documents,"

What's wrong with the US putting it on paper? Reagan did it. Then again, he was never a Bilderberger and the Bilderbergs will make damn sure a Reagan will never become president. So, was that a warning shot fired by Russia over Israel and Syria? I wouldn't be surprised.

By  Xavier Lerma

Contact Xavier Lerma at xlerma@bigstring.com

His popular articles can be seen at http://xlerma.wordpress.com/

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Serbia's stern diplomatic rearguard action over Kosovo

Blogs Home » News » World » Charles Crawford

Charles Crawford

Charles Crawford retired from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2007. He was HM Ambassador in Sarajevo (1996-1998), in Belgrade (2001-2003) and most recently in Poland (2003-2007). He is a founder member of ADRg Ambassadors and his personal website is www.charlescrawford.biz

Serbia’s stern diplomatic rearguard action over Kosovo

By Charles Crawford World Last updated: June 13th, 2012

45 Comments Comment on this article


The UN General Assembly

An unusual and interesting vote has taken place at the United Nations, to decide who will be president of the UN General Assembly for 2012/2013. Serbia’s youthful Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, aged just 36, has won a tight race, beating Lithuanian UN ambassador Dalius Cekuolis by 99 – 85 votes, despite intense lobbying for Cekuolis from Washington and other Western capitals.

That largely symbolic position rotates between five UN “regional groups”. In this case it was the Eastern European Group’s turn. The EEG is an anomalous cluster of 23 more or less European countries previously under Communist rule. It includes, of course, Russia.

The position had been uncontested since 1991, the different regional groupings deciding for themselves in turn which unopposed candidate to put forward. This time it was different. Lithuania’s candidate had expected to get the group’s nomination, but Jeremic entered the running. Lithuania accused Russia of pushing Jeremic into the contest to punish Lithuania for insisting that the end of the Second World War had brought freedom to western Europe, but for Lithuania only Soviet occupation and new oppression. A wider new Russian political power-play to re-affirm influence at the UN and elsewhere? Probably.

Jeremic is an able and ambitious operator. Armed with a degree in physics from Cambridge and a Masters from the Harvard Kennedy School, he was a leader in the student opposition to Milosevic – I remember him well from those halcyon days. He quickly rose through the ranks of advisers to different Serbian ministers and was appointed Serbia’s foreign minister in 2007, where he has made a name for himself by lobbying feverishly round the planet against the recognition of Kosovo.

Jeremic’s insistence that Kosovo is not independent – even though many countries have recognised it – has met with mixed success. The number of recognitions creeps up towards half the world’s states. It now stands at 91 countries, with Brunei and Chad joining the throng in recent weeks. Jeremic pushed hard for the International Court of Justice advisory opinion on Kosovo in 2010 that was widely seen as an embarrassing defeat for Serbia’s position.

Nonetheless many of the world’s largest countries (China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia) stand firmly behind Belgrade, and show no signs of shifting position. Jeremic’s votes at the UN will have come mainly from states that have enjoyed watching the broader European camp at the UN stand disunited and that for one reason or the other wanted to give the “Western” view of world affairs poke in the eye.

Jeremic has played craftily on Serbia’s “Yugoslav” credentials to drum up support. During the Cold War Yugoslavia’s communist leader Tito helped build up the Non-Aligned Movement, a group of states that proclaimed themselves independent of “bloc politics” but usually sided with a Soviet approach to human rights and freedom. This policy gave Belgrade a massive international profile: Tito’s funeral in 1980 saw the then largest ever gathering of world leaders.

You’ll be surprised (or not) to hear that the NAM still lingers on, long after the world of “blocs” has given way to today’s messy “multi-polarity”. After Milosevic fell, Serbia left the group to signify that it was indeed now ‘aligned’ with mainstream Western and European democratic processes, but it has kept an active observer status. Last year Serbia spent money it can ill afford hosting a NAM party to celebrate a non-event, the 50th anniversary of the NAM’s first summit meeting in Belgrade. Jeremic has used networking events like this to press hard Serbia’s case against Kosovo.

In short, to defend its Kosovo position Serbia draws on a long tradition of nimble, cynical diplomacy in Belgrade, striking positions that are both “European” and “non-aligned” simultaneously. This idea of being non-aligned (keeping open options for unexpected unfathomable improvizacija) goes deep into the political culture in Serbia. I recall my final conversation with Serbia’s Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic in March 2003 just a couple of days before he was murdered. He said that Serbia would do everything it needed to do to tick the boxes for EU membership – and only then decide whether to join!

Djindjic’s point echoed a good Balkan joke. A customs officer dies and ends up outside the Gates of Heaven. St Peter mulls the options: “You were appallingly corrupt and dishonest, but you did love your family and support some good causes – should I let you into Heaven, or send you to Hell?” The quick reply comes back: “If it’s OK with you, I’ll stay on the border.”

Meanwhile the election of the more nationalist/populist Tomislav Nikolic as Serbia’s President has given a mandate to the defiant tendency in Serbia’s political spectrum. It has not taken long for Nikolic to park himself on the existential border between ‘Europe and ‘Russia’ by making warm noises in Moscow and stirring up angry concern elsewhere in the region and in many Western capitals by ducking and weaving on whether the Srebrenica massacre was genocide.

This sets things up nicely for 2015 when Serbia chairs the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for the first time. Serbia was acceptable for that significant leadership position only because it ran on a joint ticket with Switzerland (OSCE Chair in 2014) and so in effect agreed not to use its 2015 position to make things even more difficult for Europe on the Kosovo question.

As far as Kosovo is concerned, Serbia faces the reality that most EU states have recognised Kosovo and that without some sort of political settlement it will not achieve EU membership. But Serbia also knows (as does Kosovo) that Kosovo is going nowhere important without full international recognition. Deep in the undergrowth of diplomacy fierce battles rumble on to decide whether Kosovo makes it eg into the Eurovision Song Contest and European and global sporting bodies. Determined opposition led by Russia usually swings things Belgrade’s way. Serbia is a 100 per cent internationally recognised state with levers to pull. Kosovo isn’t

Underpinning all this is the hard fact that Russia (with China) can block any move by the UN Security Council to propose Kosovo as a full UN member, and without that top-level acknowledgement of statehood many sporting and other international organisations prefer to avoid the problem.

With Vuk Jeremic presiding over the UN General Assembly in 2013 and then Serbia’s OSCE Chairmanship to follow, Kosovo can see its sluggish progress towards full recognition going even slower for a good while to come. Time to heave a sigh and cut a messy deal with Belgrade?
