March 08, 2008

Serbs under siege

Washington Times

March 2008

to the Editor

Serbs under siege

Sami Repishti's letter Thursday is an insult to Kosovo history. A real
genocide of the Serbs is taking place. Serbs were a simple majority of Kosovo
for hundreds of years until the Holocaust, when Albanian Nazis liquidated tens
of thousands of Serbs and expelled more than 150,000 people. Josip Broz Tito
forbade their return after the war and gave their land to the Albanian Nazis
who had fought for Hitler. In the past five years, 155 ancient Serbian churches
have been destroyed under the noses of 17,000 NATO troops.

When Mr. Tito granted autonomy to Albanians in 1974 without a vote of the
Yugoslav people, the Albanian authorities banned the Serbian language, fired
Serbs from their jobs and collected and burned more than 2 million books on
Serbian history, religion and culture. For Mr. Repishti to pretend that
Albanians were victimized by the Serbs is an appalling rewriting of the facts
and reveals the extent to which the facts are distorted through propaganda,
which exploits Western ignorance of Balkan history. Nearly 40 percent of the
Albanians in Kosovo are illegal aliens who crossed the border from Albania into

Mr. Repishti does not mention that more than 400,000 Albanians fled into
Serbian-dominated regions of Macedonia and Montenegro and that 90,000 Albanians
fled to Belgrade into the arms of Mr. Milosevic and their Serbian enemies.

What is immoral about the Repishti letter is the implication that it is
acceptable to cleanse 300,000 Serbs, to destroy 155 of their ancient churches
and to punish Serbs by amputating their religious heartland just because
someone thinks they do not deserve equal human or legal rights. Serbs also
deserve justice for their victimization under Albanian terrorism.


Los Angeles

As Goes Serbia, So Goes Israel?

As Goes Serbia, So Goes

By Victor Sharpe

Oil has a peculiar smell. It has been described as a stench, which assails the
nostrils. But it does much more than irritate the membranes in the human nose.
It greases the machinery of geo-politics and lubricates the revenge and envy
that nation states harbor towards each other. It makes and destroys states and
peoples and befouls humanity. It is still a necessary evil, but much of this
black gold happens by fate to lie under the sands of the Arab Middle East and
thus morphs into a terrible weapon wielded by Arab despots and Islamo-fascist

The insane rush to create Kosovo, yet another Muslim state in the heart of the
Balkans, is testament to the curse of oil. Ever ready to enrich their
economies, the Europeans and the United States combine to appease and placate
the Arab kings, Emirs, and assorted dictators. The price demanded by the Saudis
and the Gulf States is a steep one; namely to pave the way for more and more
Muslim influence throughout the world and hostility to Israel.

The Saudis pour billions of their petrodollars into Europe and North and South
America in order to build lavish mosques where Wahhabi imams propagate
extremist forms of Islam. European and American universities hold out their
begging bowls to receive Arab money and in return help facilitate the spread of
anti-Israel and anti-Western falsehoods masquerading as Middle East studies.

The recent phenomena of the so-called sovereign funds are instruments through
which European and American financial institutions receive desperately needed
infusions of Arab money to bail themselves out of their own greed and monetary
shortcomings. And the financial help bestowed upon them comes with strings thus
adding yet another layer of Arab and Muslim pressure.

Islamist influence grows with every passing day. Facts are being created on the
ground, which are changing the demographics and national characteristics of one
European state after another. And it is in Europe that Arab oil is driving the
creation of a Muslim state that will become a radical Islamist beachhead and
threaten what is left of Christian Europe. In time it will inevitably become a
springboard for terror into the United States itself.

The U.S. State Department’s Nicholas Burns has now congratulated the Kosovars
in obtaining their independence from Serbia. This is a betrayal of the Serbian
people and will leave a disfiguring scar upon the United States for years to
come. For the Serbian people, the province of Kosovo is their very ancestral
heartland. The long suffering Serbs are now forced to witness the witless and
perfidious Western powers ripping away Serbia’s heart while their hated ethnic
Albanian and Muslim historical enemies take possession of it. The Serbs, in
fact, call Kosovo their “Jerusalem.” That is how holy they consider their lost

And we must realize that Israel, too, is threatened by the same evil created by
Arab oil. The Palestinian negotiators all confirm that Jerusalem is up for
grabs and that Ehud Olmert, Israel’s Prime Minister and Tzippi Livni, the
Foreign Minister are in advanced negotiations to give away parts of Judaism’s
eternal holy city, Jerusalem.

Under U.S State Department pressure, the Israeli government is negotiating the
dismemberment of the Jewish ancestral heartland of Judea and Samaria and we
must witness with growing fear that what has happened to the brave and ill
served Serbian people will also happen to Israel.

President Bush has said that before his term of office expires this year, he
will preside over the re-division of Judaism’s holy city of Jerusalem and the
creation of a Muslim state called Palestine within the Jewish biblical
heartland. Although Serbs living in enclaves within Kosovo are not yet being
forced to leave, the price of creating a Muslim Palestinian state is the
expulsion – the ethnic cleansing – of all Jews from its proposed territory. In
other words, it is even worse for the Jews as a new Arab state called Palestine
will be judenrein. And this unthinkable outrage will be sanctioned by President
Bush and the United Nations.

There are striking similarities between the Serbs and the Jews. Serbia lost its
province of Kosovo after being defeated in battle by the Muslim Turks at the
Field of Blackbirds on June 13th 1389. Like the Jews, who in their 2,000 years
of exile dreamed of restoring their ancient land and their holy city of
Jerusalem after losing it to the Romans, so too the Serbs dreamed of Kosovo and
wove their folk music and national identity around the lost Serbian heartland.

During the late 1990s when President Clinton and his Secretary of State
Madeline Albright, launched a disgraceful war against the Serbs, the Serbian
Deputy Prime Minister, Draskovitch said of Kosovo: “Our faith was born there,
as was our language, our nationhood, our pride. It is incumbent upon us to
defend Kosovo, even if we all die.”

His words were uttered as American bombers, repainted in NATO colors, bombed
Serbia for several months inflicting some 3,000 civilian deaths and destroying
all the bridges over the Danube River in Belgrade. This was not America’s
finest hour but is now largely dead and buried by the mainstream media.

The same mainstream media rarely, if ever, tells us about Serbia’s passion
during the many centuries leading up to the present and latest shameful act of
the West. When Serbia was part of Yugoslavia, it was the Serbs who fought alone
and unaided against the German divisions; fighting them to a standstill. No other
people in occupied Europe achieved that remarkable and heroic feat.

Croatia allied itself with Hitler and established a Nazi state. The Croatians
exterminated hundreds of thousands of Serbs and tens of thousands of Jews. If
you visit the Yasenovatz death camp in Croatia, you will find Jews and Serbs
buried there together in mass graves.

The anti-Jewish Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, who spent many days
with Hitler in his Berlin bunker plotting the destruction of Mandatory
Palestine’s Jewish population, encouraged the Bosnian Muslims to form several
SS divisions who carried out mass murders and deportations of Jews to the
German death camps.

Serbia emerged from the Second World War with the distinction of defeating the
German invasion and inflicting severe losses on the German army. But the Serbs
paid a terrible price, losing nearly 2,000,000 dead or some 12% of their
population. The Serbian partisans, who included many Jewish fighters, were able
to save thousands of Jews from death at the hands of the Croatian, German and
Bosnian murderers.

During the Balkan Wars of the 1990s, the Croatians expelled some 250,000 Serbs
from their homes in the Krajna district. As soon as the Muslims in Kosovo
received autonomy in 1974, they drove out 400,000 Serbs. At the same time a
vast influx of ethnic Albanians flooded over the border to take the place of
the disinherited Serbs.

The Serbian people have been reduced to only 10% of their original population
in Kosovo. Ethnic cleansing against the Serbs began long before the Western
press ran their lurid stories of Serbian ethnic cleansing against the Bosnian
Muslims. Predictably, the mainstream press ignored the earlier attacks by the
Muslims against the Serbs, which first led to the war.

The lesson for Israel is that foreign powers have conspired to strip the
expendable Serbs of their ancestral homeland and give it to the Muslims. In
doing so, these same western powers believe that by placating and ingratiating
themselves with the oil rich Arab and Muslim world they enrich their own
economies. After all, Serbia does not possess any known oil reserves.

Israel, too, is bereft of meaningful reserves of oil. It too is thus
expendable. The pressure upon Israel to give away its own ancestral, historic,
spiritual and biblical heartland in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) grows
relentlessly and insidiously.

Sadly and tragically, there exists no Israeli government or leader at this
critical time with the intestinal fortitude and spiritual certitude to
adamantly and resolutely resist the cynical and perfidious machinations of
western leaders. Israel desperately needs a leader who can talk to the world as
Draskovitch once spoke for the Serbian people. Instead Olmert, Livni and Barak
call for NATO to patrol the border with Gaza, monitor Judea and Samaria and,
heaven forbid, oversee a divided Jerusalem.

Carloline Glick, writing in the Feb 23, 2008 edition of the Jerusalem Post sums
up the Israeli government’s terminal confusion thus: “What the Serbs made NATO
fight its way in to achieve, Israel is offering NATO on a silver platter.” She
adds, “... the lessons of Kosovo are clear. Not only should Israel join Russia,
Canada, China, Spain, Romania and many others in refusing to recognize Kosovo.
It should also state that as a consequence of Kosovo's independence, Israel
rejects the deployment of any international forces to Gaza or Judea and
Samaria, and refuses to cede its legal right to sovereignty in Judea, Samaria,
Gaza and Jerusalem to international arbitration.”

Serbia must be supported by all who still cherish morality over expediency.
Historical correctness must in all such cases trump so-called political
correctness. As goes Serbia, so goes Israel.

Neither nation deserves to become victim to the international greed for black
gold and the attendant groveling acceptance by oil-importing states to the
demands of the oil producing dictatorships and Islamic theocracies. Indeed, the
stench from corrupting oil that permeates the international corridors of power
makes the very angels in heaven gag.

Source: Exclusive article submitted by the author, an IHC Featured Writer

Copyright © Victor Sharpe 2008

Edited by IHC staff,

Published 2 March 2008

Enslaved by freedom

Enslaved by freedom

scandalous 'independence' has driven another nail in the coffin of a deeply
discredited United Nations and proved its complicity in the return of naked
18th century colonialism. Nations with oil, gas, or other prized commodity
may gear up for 'free trade' exclusively with Western corporates;
Western military presence to protect freedom as in Iraq; or,
self-determination of the kind that carved Christian East Timor out of
Muslim Indonesia to become a virtual colony of Australian oil majors.

Kosovo, wrenched out of Christian Serbia, has both oil and gas. Further,
Catholic-Protestant imperialists have triumphed over Eastern Orthodox
nations that once took to Communism; hence also Moscow's anger. China has
shown its displeasure by rebuking Taiwan for recognising Kosovo; India's
shameful silence is explicable only by the dominance of UPA chairperson
Sonia Gandhi over the present regime. This will nullify Congress's efforts
to woo the Muslim community for, as former envoy MK Bhadrakumar says, only
three of the 60-member Organisation of the Islamic Conference have
recognised Kosovo.

Islamic world is becoming conscious of its continuing humiliation and
exploitation by Western imperialism, which has an unmistakable racist edge.
None of the non-White peoples who converted to Christianity to the extent
of becoming Christian nations (The Philippines, South Africa, East Timor,
to name only a few) enjoy genuine sovereignty or status in the
international community.

is a link in a 737-strong chain of American military bases in 130
countries. Journalist Pepe Escobar says, in an Asian Times article,
Kosovo's tragedy has its genesis in the trans-Balkan AMBO pipeline and Camp
Bondsteel, the largest American base in Europe after the Vietnam War. It
exposes how ugly corporates ensure compliance with their interests across
successive administrations.

was Democrat President Bill Clinton who falsely demonised the Serbs and
used NATO to get over the lack of a UN mandate, just as Republican
President George W Bush later leapfrogged over the UN to colonise Iraq. The
Euro-Americans moved to fragment Yugoslavia with the fall of the Soviet
Union in the early-1990s. During the 1991 bombing of Iraq, Mr Clinton
sponsored separatist movements in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia; imposed
crippling economic sanctions on Yugoslavia; and, pushed NATO forces into
the region.

US also armed the Right-wing UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army), though Kosovo
was not a Yugoslav republic, but part of Serbia. Washington's 'free' Press
carried grim (fairy) tales of Serbian genocide against Albanian Muslims
(remnants of the Ottoman Empire). The UCK controlled the opium and heroin
trade from Afghanistan-Pakistan through the Balkans to Western Europe,
earning over $ 1.1 billion for weapons. There is also a rich trade in
prostitution. British intelligence trained the UCK in northern Albania,
while Turkish and Afghan instructors taught them guerrilla tactics. Al
Qaeda, too, had links with the UCK and Osama bin Laden visited Albania in

nationalist Yugoslavia resisted Western pressures, America unleashed 78
days of intensive bombing, including the use of depleted-uranium bombs. On
June 3, 1999, NATO occupied Kosovo. President Slobodan Milosevic was
kidnapped and taken for trial to The Hague, where he died in March 2006,
apparently of a heart attack. Meanwhile, Ms Carla Del Ponte, chief
prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,
assisted by forensic experts of 17 NATO countries, discovered that there
was no genocide, no mass graves, only 2,108 bodies belonging to all
nationalities and mostly victims of NATO bombing!

Serbia's tormentors placed Kosovo under a UN mission in 1999, through
Security Council Resolution 1244. Real power vested with the mission of the
European Union -- NATO was security guarantor; it slept over the hideous
ethnic cleansing of 250,000 Serbs and Romas (gypsies). The regions' rich
industrial resources were forcibly privatised and sold to giant Western
multinationals. Halliburton took over the strategic oil and transportation
lines of the entire region along with the security of Camp Bondsteel, the
American military base.

Sara Flounders, co-director, International Action Center, says the UN
played a shameful role in Kosovo. In June 2005, then UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan appointed ex-Finnish President Marti Ahtisaari as special envoy
to negotiate Kosovo's final status. He was also chairman emeritus of the
International Crisis Group, a private body funded by multi-billionaire
George Soros, who sponsored the 'coloured' revolutions in former Soviet
Baltic Republics. The ICG favours NATO intervention and open markets for the
US and the EU; its board included two key US officials complicit in bombing
Kosovo: Mr Zbigniew Brzezinski and Gen Wesley Clark, then NATO supreme
commander and now military adviser to Ms Hillary Clinton.

Ahtisaari report submitted to new UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in March
2007 was understandably a command performance. It proposed an International
Civilian Representative (read viceroy) appointed by US-EU to oversee
Kosovo, with power to overrule any actions or annul any laws by local
authorities. The Representative would control customs, taxation, treasury
and banking. The EU would set up a European security and defence policy
mission and NATO an international military presence, which would control
foreign policy, security, police, judiciary, all courts and prisons. Mr
Bhadrakumar says the deployment of NATO forces without a UN mandate is
equivalent to projecting NATO as a global political organisation. It is
pertinent that Security Council Resolution 1244 kept Kosovo within Serbia.

Kosovo is ultimately about the $1.1 billion Albanian Macedonian Bulgarian
Oil Corp pipeline, to be completed by 2011. Registered in the US, the firm
will get oil brought from the Caspian Sea to a terminal in Georgia and then
by tankers through the Black Sea to the Bulgarian port of Burgas, and relay
it through Macedonia to the Albanian port of Vlora. Mr Clinton's NATO war
was to secure Vlora's strategic location.

oil is to be shipped to Rotterdam in The Netherlands and refineries on the
US west coast, avoiding the congested Bosphorus Strait and Aegean and
Mediterranean seas. The AMBO project conforms to US Vice-President Dick
Cheney's American energy security grid. Halliburton via subsidiary Kellogg,
Brown and Root, built Camp Bondsteel near the Macedonian border in southern
Kosovo. It is also a place where prisoners can be held indefinitely without
formal charges or lawyers.

things now stand, Yugoslavia is destroyed; Iraq seems headed the same way.
Sectarian religious violence is endemic, and Turkey is playing along with
the US for a share of Kurd oil (Kirkuk).

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