August 26, 2009

South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Kosovo and the future

South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Kosovo and the future

26.08.2009 Source: URL:

One year after Russia's recognition of the Independence of the Republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the Caucasus begins to gain a new shape, enjoy more stability and make more sense, while Moscow is welcomed as a friend in its historic sphere of operations. Given the actions and reactions of other powers not so friendly to Moscow, it hardly comes as a surprise.

Climate of peace, finally

One year on, there is finally a climate of peace in the Caucasus. True, there continue to be a handful of agents provocateurs in Chechnya and there continue to be cells of criminals and bandits in Dagestan and Ingushetia, like everywhere else. However, the citizens of Abkhazia and South Ossetia today are more relaxed, feel safer, feel happier, feel at home with their new neighbours who wish to help them develop instead of exterminating them like Saakashvili's Georgians.

The tremendous effort in social and economic projects funded and financed by Moscow from the budget of the Russian Federation comes as a stark contrast to the years of oppression these Republics suffered under a Georgia which historically refused to hold the referendums it was bound to in these territories under the Soviet law it had signed. Nothing is mentioned of this in the russophobic western press.

Moscow showed extreme patience for years

For years, Moscow did its utmost to try to achieve a political and negotiated solution to the question of these territories populated by Ossetians and Abkhazes, ethnic Russians, inside Georgia, always from a point of view which would be satisfactory for Tblisi. Georgia spent years, and increasingly so under the Putchist mass murdering maniac Saakashvili, blocking the processes, obstructing the rule of law and finally, last Summer, launching a shocking act of butchery – one hopes, without the consent of Saakashvili's masters in Washington.

So what was Moscow supposed to do? Sit back and watch its citizens being slaughtered by a bunch of maniacs egged on by mercenaries from NATO sympathisers and US military advisors? Women and children were strafed with machinegun-fire in basement apartments. Old men were slaughtered in the streets. Babies were crushed with tanks by Georgian soldiers laughing in a drunken hysteria of derision and hatred. Is this the type of operations Washington trained them for?

Certainly US-sponsored Saakashvili made a dramatic miscalculation that night but what to expect from a tie-chewing lunatic wholly and totally unprepared for government and wholly and totally prepared to feather his nest and those of the mafia which surrounds him at the expense of the people of Georgia?

Moscow acted with restraint

Nobody knows what was going through the mind of Mikheil Saakashvili on that fateful night of August 7 to August 8, 2008. Hours after signing a peace agreement, he ordered his troops to launch a massive attack against Tskhinval and to prepare a similar assault on Abkhazia, thinking (absurdly) perhaps that because Prime Minister Putin was at the Olympic Games, Russia's attention would be focused elsewhere.

What followed was a humiliating defeat for the murderous Georgian military forces and their US backers and trainers (TV footage which western news sources had forgotten to edit showed very clear orders in American English to the fleeing Georgian troops) and despite the fact that Russia's Armed Forces had a resounding success and a brilliant victory, the response was measured and contained, limited to a punitive raid to downgrade Georgia's capacity to launch such a savage attack again.

Many questioned why Russia did not go all the way to Tblisi and drag Saakashvili before a court to be tried for war crimes, while meting out to the cities of Georgia what the Georgians did to Tskhinval. However, Moscow stands for the rule of law and this it upheld through a rightful expulsion of the aggressor, protecting civilian life and refraining from causing unnecessary damage (compare for example the US campaign in Iraq where civilian structures were wantonly targeted with military hardware or the criminal NATO campaign in Serbia where civilians were massacred).

Today and the future

One year on, South Ossetia and Abkhazia are undergoing a process of development and not repression. Their citizens live in peace and not in fear. The climate is one of happiness and not of bitterness, like before. There is love in the air instead of hatred. For those who doubt this, go to the Internet and ask Abkhazes and Ossetians their opinion. For those who wish to overturn the events of last August, while it is now too late, ask the people of Abkhazia and South Ossetia how they feel and who they would rather live with.

Nicaragua and the Russian Federation have already recognised the Republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and a further group of states is preparing to do so. Whether or not more wish to do so is immaterial. Under international law, they already exist.

Parallels with Kosovo are pointless

Parallels with Kosovo are pointless since the case is totally different. Kosovo was, is and always has been an integral part of Serbia right since the beginning of the Serb nation and the union of the Serbian peoples. It is not their fault that Albanians went there to give birth for generations and to create a population imbalance in their favour, it is not their fault that the Albanians launched terrorist attacks against the Serb authorities and it is not their fault that NATO decided to create a mafia state of drug traffickers, arms smugglers and pimps. Kosovo is Serbia and there is nothing in international law which states that a foreign power can simply carve off part of a country, give it to foreigners and say "This is yours". The times of drawing lines on maps ended long ago and there is something called international law which must be respected by all, or then by nobody.

Georgia was obliged to hold referendums in South Ossetia and Abkhazia regarding independence. It is clear that it did not hold them because it knew what the outcome would be. And given the attempted act of genocide last Summer, given that the overwhelming majority of South Ossetians and Abkhazes would choose to live in their own states supported by Russia, their friend, it makes great sense that Abkhazia and South Ossetia should be recognised as independent states, while an independent Kosovo is not only nonsense but a violation of international law.



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August 19, 2009

"Kosovo and Bosnia, the Ghetto of Christianity"





Pristina, the capital of an Anglo created Islamic Jihadist state, which of course it is never sold as, is a true show case for what any Christian nation has to face if and when its majority falls from power. This of course is nothing new for our ancient ancestors who witnessed this and knew why they fought against Islam.


Unfortunately, the present day West, decadent in its form, ignorant in its self love, intellectually bankrupt and lazy, refuses to see the hell they have forced on Orthodox Christian victims and that they themselves soon face.


In Pristina, the show case of "tolerant" Islam and the Anglo-Sphere/UN enablers, one can find many historic Christian churches, in a city that was built by Christian Serbs over 1,200 years ago. Unfortunately they have all been blown up or burnt down.


In Pristina, one can find ancient Christian neighborhoods, belonging to the people who built the city and are now the ghettoized minorities who inhabit them. The look on their faces is that of fear, fear of their "merciful" and "tolerant" overlords. Anglos, this is your future, the present Hell you so willingly inflict on your Christian brothers and sisters as you give God the finger.


In Pristina's few remaining Orthodox neighborhoods and the various tiny towns and villages of Christian faith, are surrounded by wire and fences, the only way to keep the Islamics from murdering everyone in them. NATO, who created this monster of Islam, who birthed it with the Saudi father, breast fed it, protected it and allowed it to grow, on the bones and blood of Christians, is now protecting the remnants of those Christians from it's abomination of a child. But what happens when the it leaves and takes the leash off of its bastard creation?


The money that has flowed into the city has disappeared, funneled into the Saudi sponsored Islamic madras, and since the Saudis own the Western politicians, nothing is said. The Saudis are raising a new generation of white extremists who will be walking up to the Anglo churches, to the Anglo shopping temples and massacring those inside and to the last minute, they will look just like you and it will be the owners of your politicians, in Mecca and Riyadh who will laugh and jump in glee at your fates. This will come as little joy to the dead Christians, upon whose bones they will be jumping and already are.


In Bosnia, while the Croatian third and the Serbian third of that Frankenstein, are still Christian, they have, with NATO bombs and tanks, been force into a second rate position to the Islamic third, the so called Bosniaks. Even though they had at one point the strength to defend themselves, they are now far out gunned by the US/UK/Saudi/Egypt armed Bosniak Islamics. Yes, even "moderate" Egypt was quite happy to ship T62s to their Islamic brothers.


Anglos, NATO, what have you created? What blasphemy against God have you committed and are so proud of? Seek repentance while you can reverse the evil you have committed and save not murdered the Christianity of the western Balkans. Alas, it always falls on prideful, deaf ears.


Stanislav Mishin


The article has been reprinted with the kind permission from Stanislav Mishin and originally appears on his blog, Mat Rodina


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August 03, 2009

David and Goliath: Bosnian Serbs Against the West

David and Goliath: Bosnian Serbs Against the West


by Wanda Schindley


Global Research, July 31, 2009

Strategic Culture Foundation



On June 20th the High Representative for Bosnia, Austrian Valentin Inzko, annulled legislation passed by the Bosnian Serb, Republika Srpska (RS), parliament that would reclaim some of the powers of "semi-autonomy" that were promised to it in the constitution but that have been stripped away incrementally by International Community (IC) High Representatives under the so-called Bonn powers. Inzko, the latest of seven High Representatives under the direction of Javier Solana, was offended that the Bosnian Serbs did not capitulate under the threat of "consequences" and withdraw the legislation on their own. Offering to negotiate and amend some things in the legislation was not satisfactory to High Representative Inzko, who has dictatorial powers over occupied Bosnia.

Inzko saw the RS legislation to reclaim some of the constitutional powers stripped away by openly pro-Muslim High Representative Paddy Ashdown ten years after Dayton as "regressive." Until less than four years ago, the Bosnian Serbs had their own police force, army (even though they were pretty much stripped of armaments), courts, and so forth. But each new edict of the High Representative raised the bar and further stripped Bosnian Serbs of their institutions and constitutional "rights." Each mandate to expand the role of the central government in Sarajevo was movement toward the ultimate goal of a united One Bosnia—abolishment of the Serb entity set up at Dayton and the Dayton agreement signed (under threat of further bombardment) by Serbs and, apparently, with disappearing ink by the IC.

While the UN occupation was biased toward Muslims and against Serbs as demonstrated, for instance, in the rules for and rate of reclaiming property by the two groups, the EU occupation appears even more intent on strangling the RS out of existence and humiliating Serbs into capitulating to a centralized government in Sarajevo, which for Serbs is really "regressive" to the some 400 years of Serb suffering under the occupation of the "Turks" of the Ottoman Empire. But Turkey is not the only country now meddling in the affairs of Bosnia and supporting the Islamic take-over of the entire country: Saudi Arabia is still a primary funder of Bosnian Muslims and the mosque-building (in some areas, one every few kilometers) that makes the country appear to be a real Muslim country (even though it is majority Christian); Iran supplied weapons to Bosnian Muslims during the war; and mujahideen fighters came from the Muslim world to fight Christians in their own back yards.

Not only are Serbs in the RS expected to submit to the Islamists in Sarajevo (see the Bosnian Grand Mufti's defense of, for instance, Islamic education in public schools1), they also are being asked, in fact, demanded, to give up any thread of independence and, eventually, their Orthodox Christian religion, along with their democratic institutions. (Those who do not understand that "Islamic democracy" is an oxymoron should read Alija Izetbegovic's 1970 Islamic Declaration and study Sarajevo Chief Imam Nezim Halilovic Muderris' radical intolerance and calls for institutionalization of Sharia law in Bosnia.2)

The Bosnian Court, for instance, of the "centralized" government has demonstrated its bias and inability to deal with the crimes committed against Serbs. The focus has been on convicting Serbs who, in spite of being dubbed by international media as "aggressors," were often fighting against foreign Islamic fighters from their own back yards to protect their families and property. Yet, the courts of Bosnia's central government have sentenced Serbs to 1,118 total years in jail, Croats to 140 years, and Bosnian Muslims to only 42 years in jail in spite of the realities of the civil war and atrocities committed by the foreign mujahidin and Bosnian Muslims.3 On 23 June, the Bosnian "central" government refused to extradite Croat war criminal Branimir Glavas, who was convicted and sentenced last month to 10 years in prison for torturing and killing Serbian civilians during the war. Yet, Serbs are held responsible for finding and depositing at The Hague even the un-convicted as the West repeats ad nauseam the unsubstantiated 40,000-rape hoax. (Even if it were true, the West has a higher per capita incident of rape under peaceful circumstances.)

It is not as though Serbs, who produced Nikola Tesla, Mileva Maric (physicist wife of Albert Einstein who contributed to his famous theories), Mihajlo Pupin (Columbia's Pupin Hall named after him for his work on x-rays, long-distance telephone service), etc. are too stupid to take lessons from not only the historical but also the recent past. For instance, Serbs know that the IC's demands for "privatization" mean "rape" of their resources by the IC:

(1.) Examples are replete in Serbia. For instance, in Pancevo, the successful glass factory, electric bulb factory, chemical factory, and beer factory (since 1722) are now closed after being "privatized" and bought.

(2.) Croatia, after seceding with the bank in which all Yugoslavs had deposited, sold cheaply the Adriatic hotels (to which Croatia, historically a small province around Zagreb, did not have claim until all that was changed, first by Hitler when Italy capitulated in 1943 and then by the Croat Tito), mostly to Germans.

(3.) In the RS, many factory workers went to work for years without pay as crooked "directors," supported by the IC, drove BMWs and as ancient forests were stripped, a la Brazil and then Haiti, and irreplaceable resources transported to Western Europe.

The "Bonn powers," which allow High Representatives (called "viceroys" in another time) to fire elected officials and make or nullify laws, have been used mostly against Serbs. In spite of its efforts to comply with the Dayton Accords, the 49% of Bosnia included in the Republika Srpska remains the "bastard child" of Dayton, notwithstanding that the only major ethnic violence since the war has been between Bosnian Muslims and Croats who were unhappy in their "shotgun" marriage and that the Bosnian Muslims have been in violation of Dayton since January 1, 1996 when they were supposed to have sent home the foreign Islamic fighters who were imported to fight the Christian Serbs and, sometimes, Croats.4

Serbs stand alone against an IC which (along with the Vatican), during the 1990's wars, supported Croats, knowing that Croat leader Franjo Tudjman's goal was to have an "ethnically pure" Catholic Croatia, and Bosnian Muslims, knowing that Alija Izetbegovic had made clear in his 1970 Islamic Declaration that his idea of "democracy" was an "Islamic democracy." And now, almost 14 years after the end of the war, Serbs are blamed for the lack of progress toward a "modern multi-ethnic" state. Leaving aside the fact that before the orchestrated break-up of Yugoslavia Bosnia was a modern multi-ethnic republic, Bosnia has still not regained the economy, employment, technology, industry, and infrastructure it enjoyed before the war.

The blame can easily be placed on Bosnian Serbs because they have not sufficiently cooperated in their own annihilation to make way for a One Bosnia, a Muslim-controlled Bosnia, in order to move toward "Euro-Atlantic integration," now framed as (eventual) membership in the EU. Bosnian Serbs are accused of being distrustful of and of misjudging the IC. Yet, any Serb distrust of the IC is rational considering the IC's involvement in the bombing of Serbs in Bosnia, Croatia (Slavonia and Krajina), Kosovo, and Serbia proper and the IC cheerleaders' continuing anti-Serb bias. Even those Serbs who sell out to the West are subject to being thrown overboard if they step out of line. But saying that trouble in Bosnia results from "misjudgment of the international community," as former High Representative Paddy Ashdown claimed last year in his editorial from Sarajevo after the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, is more than simplistic.5 It is wrong.

Bosnian Serbs know very well that the intention of the IC is to "reform" the constitution and discard Dayton to make One Bosnia, and they have witnessed first-hand the unequal treatment under the UN and the EU. To many Serbs, submission to Sarajevo for the dangling carrot of EU membership is not attractive. It is a future without the small protections of "semi-autonomy" in the RS and being once again under the yoke of Muslims and being once again under Germany, which has shown little sympathy for non-Catholic Slavs through the German-dominated EU.6 Already there is concern that the Dayton agreement was simply a way to buy time for Saudi-backed Muslims to continue building mosques and buying property from desperate Serbs to gain control through stealth as the IC slurps up Bosnia's resources. IC lies might fool the uninformed Western public but not the Bosnian Serbs who have lived through the intervention and years of IC dictatorship. Mr. Inzko should reconsider his approach.


1 Interview: Bosnia's Grand Mufti Defends Religious Freedom

2 See, for instance,  

3 The Hague court has been similarly biased against Serbs, meting out 904 years of sentences to Serbs, 171 years to Croats, 39 to Bosnian Muslims, and 19 to Kosovo Albanians. Figures from an interview with Dr. Elena Guskova on RTRS TV in Banja Luka, Republika Srpska.

4 Instead, the "moderate" Bosnian Muslim government gave the foreign mujahidin citizenship and failed to notice connections between those same fighters and major international terror attacks and has since banned Santa Claus. Also see the June 24th New York Times article "Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists" (and Bosnia)

5 See Paddy Ashdown's "Europe needs a wake-up call. Bosnia is on the edge again." The Observer. UK, 27 July 2008.

6 Of the seven High Representatives to date, two were Austrian (Petritsch and Inzko), one German (Schwarz-Schilling), one Spanish (Westendorf), one English (Ashdown), one Swede (Carl Bildt) and one Slovak (Lajcak). Those who are from Catholic-dominated countries are joined by Ashdown, the Catholic Englishman.