March 29, 2006

A five part series on Yugoslavia. The Dominion (Canada)



 This is an outstanding five part series on Yugoslavia. After reading this, no one can say, "I didn't know."  

This link: takes you to all the series. 
The Dominion - Canada's Grassroots Newspaper
A five part series on Yugoslavia that covers the following:  

Part 1:  Milosevic the Guilty?

Part 2:  The Origins of the War in the Balkans

Part 3:  The Media War

Part 4:  The Good Guys

Part 5:  Peace from Above

"In 1999, NATO planes dropped twenty thousand tonnes of bombs on targets in the former Yugoslavia, killing upwards of 3,000 human beings and injuring thousands more. Targets included power plants, hospitals, industrial infrastructure, schools, churches, historic sites, water and sewage facilities, apartment buildings, temporary housing for refugees, traveling refugees, the state television station, bridges, and socially-owned, worker-run factories."