May 31, 2007

Mark Mackinnon's New Cold War

Published in The Dominion (

May 31 2007 - 1:48pm

Mark Mackinnon's New Cold War

Canada, the US and democracy promotion in the former Soviet republics

Mackinnon's new book opens with a tale of two large buildings blown up
by terrorists. The president, until then an unremarkable leader with
deep ties to the country's secretive intelligence agency, seizes on the
tragedy by launching a war against the terrorists. Suddenly popular for
his decisive strikes, the president sends troops to a small Muslim
country that had been occupied, then abandoned by previous
administrations. He uses the urgency of war as a pretext for
consolidating power, naming his lackeys to key positions. The
"oligarchs" of the country, Mackinnon writes, proceeded to set up a
system of "managed democracy," where the illusion of choice and a
popular longing for stability cover up the fact that fundamental
decisions are made in an undemocratic fashion and power remains
concentrated in the hands of the few.

Mackinnon, who is currently the Middle East bureau chief for the Globe and Mail,
is of course talking about Russia, and its president, ex-KGB agent
Vladimir Putin--though if Mackinnon notices parallels with another
country, he doesn't say so. The Muslim country is Chechnya and the
terrorist attacks were against two apartment buildings in the town of
Ryazan, 200km southeast of Moscow. Questions were raised about KGB

Mackinnon's book is The New Cold War: Revolutions, Rigged Elections and Pipeline Politics in the Former Soviet Union.

Almost without exception, Canadian reporters find it a lot easier to
cut through PR spin and official lies when they're covering foreign
governments--especially when those governments are seen as rivals of
Canada or its close partner, the US. But when the subject is closer to
home, their critical acumen suddenly wilts.

Mackinnon suffers from this common affliction less than most
reporters. One gets the sense that it's a conscious choice, but still a
tentative one.

Over the last seven years, the US State Department, the Soros
Foundation and several partner organizations have orchestrated a series
of "democratic revolutions" in eastern Europe and the former Soviet
Union. And, during those years, each "revolution," whether attempted or
successful, has been portrayed by journalists as a spontaneous uprising
of freedom-loving citizens receiving inspiration and moral support from
their brothers and sisters in the West.

Evidence that this support also involved hundreds of millions of
dollars, meddling with choices of candidates and changes to foreign and
domestic policies has been widely available. And yet, for the last
seven years, this information has been almost entirely suppressed.

Perhaps the most glaring evidence of suppression came when the
Associated Press (AP) ran a story on December 11, 2004--at the height
of the "Orange Revolution"--noting that the Bush Administration had
given $65 million to political groups in Ukraine, though none of it
went "directly" to political parties. It was "funneled," the report
said, through other groups. Many media outlets in Canada--notably the Globe and Mail
and the CBC--rely on the AP, but none ran the story. On the same day, published four other stories from the AP about Ukraine's
political upheaval, but did not see fit to include the one that tepidly
investigated US funding.

Similarly, books by William Robinson, Eva Golinger and others have
exposed US funding of political parties abroad, but have not been
discussed by the corporate press.

Canada's role went unreported until two and a half years later, when--coinciding with the release of The New Cold War--the Globe and Mail
finally saw fit to publish an account, written by Mackinnon. The
Canadian embassy, Mackinnon reported, "spent a half-million dollars
promoting 'fair elections' in a country that shares no border with
Canada and is a negligible trading partner." Canadian funding of
election observers had been reported before, but the fact that the
money had been only a part of an orchestrated attempt to influence
elections had not.

For reasons that remain obscure, the editors of the Globe
decided, after seven years of silence, to allow Mackinnon to tell the
public about what Western money has been up to in the former Soviet
Union. Perhaps they were influenced by Mackinnon's choice to write a
book about the topic; perhaps it was decided that it was time to let
the cat out of the bag.

Western-funded groups led the "Orange Revolution" in the Ukraine. cc 2.0 Photo: Sarita Ladios

a fascinating account. Mackinnon starts in Serbia in 2000, where the
West, after funding opposition groups and "independent media" that
provided a constant stream of coverage critical of the government--as
well as dropping 20,000 tonnes of bombs on the country--finally
succeeded in toppling the last stubborn holdout against neoliberalism
in Europe.

Mackinnon describes in detail how Western funding--an effort
spearheaded by billionaire George Soros--flowed to four principle
areas: Otpor (Serbian for 'resistance'), a student-heavy youth movement
that used grafitti, street theatre and non-violent demonstrations to
channel negative political sentiments against the Milosevic government;
CeSID, a group of election monitors that existed to "catch Milosevic in
the act if he ever again tried to manipulate the results of an
election"; B92, a radio station that provided a steady supply of
anti-regime news and the edgy rock stylings of Nirvana and the Clash;
and assorted NGOs were given funding to raise "issues"--which Mackinnon
calls "the problems with the power-that-is, as defined by the groups'
Western sponsors." The Canadian embassy in Belgrade, he notes, was a
venue for many donor meetings.

Finally, disparate opposition parties had to be united. This was
facilitated by then-US Secretary of State Madeline Albright and German
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, who told opposition leaders not to
run, but to join a "democratic coalition" with the relatively unknown
lawyer Vojislav Kostunica as the sole opposition candidate for the
presidency. The Western-funded opposition leaders, who didn't have a
lot of say in the matter, agreed.

It worked. Kostunica won the vote, the election monitors quickly
announced their version of the results, which were broadcast via B92
and other Western-sponsored media outlets, and tens of thousands poured
into the streets to protest Milosevic's attempted vote-rigging in a
demonstration led by the pseudo-anarchist group Otpor. Milosevic,
having lost his "pillars of support" in the courts, police and
bureaucracy, resigned soon after. "Seven months later," Mackinnon
writes, "Slobodan Milosevic would be in The Hague."

The Serbian "revolution" became the model: fund "independent media,"
NGOs and election observers; force the opposition to unite around one
selected candidate; and fund and train a spray-paint-wielding,
freedom-loving group of angry students united by no program other than
opposition to the regime. The model was used successfully in Georgia
("the Rose Revolution"), Ukraine ("the Orange Revolution") and
unsuccessfully in Belarus, where denim was the preferred symbol. The New Cold War
has chapters for each of these, and Mackinnon delves deep into the
details of the funding arrangements and political coalitions built with
Western support.

Mackinnon seems to harbour few illusions about the US exercise of
power. His overall thesis is that, in the former Soviet Union, the US
has used "democratic revolutions" to further its geopolitical
interests; control of oil supply and pipelines, and the isolation of
Russia, its main competitor in the region. He notes that in many
cases--Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, for example--repressive regimes
receive the hearty support of the US, while only Russian-allied
governments are singled out for the democracy promotion treatment.

And while Mackinnon may be too polite to mention it, his account
significantly contradicts the reporting regularly vetted by his editors
and written by his colleagues. Milosevic, for example, is not the
"Butcher of the Balkans" of Western media lore. Serbia was "not the
outright dictatorship it was often portrayed in the Western media to
be," Mackinnon writes. "In fact, it was more like an early version of
the 'managed democracy' [of Putin's Russia]." He is frank about the
effects of the bombing and sanctions on Serbia, which were devastating.

But in other ways, Mackinnon swallows the propaganda whole. He
repeats the official NATO line on Kosovo, for example, neglecting to
note that the US and others were funding drug-dealing autocratic
militias like the Kosovo Liberation Army, the subject of many
misleading, laudatory reports by Mackinnon's colleagues circa 2000.

More fundamentally, Mackinnon ignores the West's central role in the
destabilization of Yugoslavia after its government balked at further
implementation of IMF reforms that were already causing misery.
Mackinnon experiences and discusses the phenomenon of
destabilization-by-privatization in most of the countries he covers,
but seems unable to trace it back to its common source, or see it as
principle of US and European foreign policy.

Former Russian Politburo operative Alexander Yakovlev tells
Mackinnon that Russia's politicians had "pushed the economic reforms
too far, too fast" creating "a criminalized economy and state where
residents came to equate terms like 'liberal' and 'democracy' with
corruption, poverty and helplessness."

In one of the more dramatic moments in the book, the 82-year-old
Yakovlev takes responsibility, saying: "We must confess that what is
now going on is not the fault of those who are doing it... It's us who
are guilty. We made some very serious errors."

In Mackinnon's world, the rapid dismantling and privatization of the
state-run economy--which left millions in poverty and despair--is an
explanation for the Russian and Belarussian peoples' love affair with
strongman presidents who curb liberties, marginalize opposition,
control the media and maintain stabilnost, stability. But
somehow, the ideology behind the IMF-driven devastation doesn't make it
into Mackinnon's analysis of the motivations behind "New Cold War."

Mackinnon notices the most literal US interests: oil and the
Americans' fight for regional influence with Russia. But what escapes
his account is the broader intolerance for governments that assert
their independence and maintain the ability to direct their own
economic development.

Energy and pipeline politics are a plausible explanation for the
US's interest in the southern former Soviet republics. He might have
added that the US used Georgia as a staging ground during the Iraq war.
When it comes to Serbia, Mackinnon is forced to rely on an implausible
account of NATO carrying out a moral mission to prevent genocide. The
claim no longer makes any sense, given available evidence, but remains
prevalent in the Western press.

Mackinnon mentions Haiti, Cuba and Venezuela in passing. In all of
these places, attempts have been made to overthrow the governments. In
Venezuela, a US-backed military coup was quickly overturned. In Haiti,
a Canadian- and US-led coup resulted in a human rights catastrophe that
is ongoing and recent elections confirmed that the party that was
deposed remained more popular than the alternative presented by the
economic elite. In Cuba, attempts to overthrow the government have been
thwarted for half a century.

To explain these additional, more violent attempts at "regime
change," it is not enough to cite the literal interests. Venezuela has
considerable oil, but Cuba's natural resources do not make it a major
strategic asset, and, by this standard, Haiti even less so. To explain
why the US government provided millions of dollars to political
parties, NGOs and opposition groups in these countries requires an
understanding of neoliberal ideology and its origins in the Cold War
and beyond.

This much would be evident if Mackinnon added some much-needed
historical context to his account of modern-day methods of regime
change. In his book Killing Hope, William Blum documents
over 50 US interventions in foreign governments since 1945. History has
shown these to be overwhelmingly anti-democratic, if not outright
catastrophic. Even mild social-democratic reforms of government in tiny
countries were overwhelmed by military attacks.

If true democracy involves self-determination--and at least the
theoretical ability to refuse the dictates of the "Washington
Consensus" or the IMF--then any evaluation of democracy promotion as
the tool of US foreign policy has to reckon with this history.
Mackinnon's account does not and remains almost resolutely ahistorical.

The last chapter of The New Cold War, entitled
"Afterglow," is dedicated to evaluating the ultimate effects of
democracy promotion in the former Soviet republics. It is Mackinnon's
weakest chapter. Mackinnon limits himself to asking whether things are
better now than before. The frame of the question lowers expectations
and severely stunts the democratic imagination.

If one sets aside these considerations, then it is still possible
for curiosity to get the better of the reader. Is it possible that good
things can come even from cynical motivations? Liberal writers like
Michael Ignatieff and Christopher Hitchens made similar arguments in
support of the Iraq war and Mackinnon flirts with the idea when he
wonders whether young activists in Serbia and Ukraine were using the
US, or whether the US was using them.

So, did things get better? The information Mackinnon presents in his answer is extremely vague.

In Serbia, he says, life is much better. The revolution hasn't
brought too many benefits to the daily lives of Serbs, a cab driver
tells Mackinnon. However, he writes, "The era of gasoline shortages and
of young men being sent off to fight for a 'Greater Serbia' was long
past and the late-night laughter and music that spilled out of
Belgrade's packed restaurants spoke to an optimism unheard of under the
old regime."

In this and many other cases, Mackinnon buys a well-diffused
propaganda line without looking at the facts. Straying from the
meticulous detail he brings to his reporting of the ins and outs of
democracy promotion, Mackinnon seems to believe that it was a
diabolical scheme by Milosevic--and not economic sanctions or bombing
and subsequent destruction of the bulk of Serbia's state-owned
industrial infrastructure--that led to gasoline shortages. Mackinnon
admonishes Serbs to face up to their role in the war, while letting
NATO's bombing campaign, which left tonnes of depleted uranium, flooded
the Danube with hundreds of tonnes of toxic chemicals, and incinerated
80,000 tonnes of crude oil (thus the gasoline shortages), off the hook.

In Georgia, Mackinnon again relies on nightlife in the capital city
as an indicator of the country's democratic well-being. "The city
bubbled with a sense that things were starting to move in the right
direction...swish Japanese restaurants, Irish pubs and French wine bars
were popping up on seemingly every corner." The leisure activities of
the economic elite are just that; there are many ways to judge the
well-being of a country, but to rely on the sights and sounds of
well-heeled city dwellers enjoying themselves to the exclusion of other
criteria is peculiar.

Mackinnon remarks in passing that the Western-backed regime of
Saakashvili has resulted in "declining freedom of the press," but has
"boosted the economy."

In Ukraine, "newspapers and television stations could and did
criticize or caricature whomever they wanted," but the Western-backed
free market ideologue Yuschenko made a series of blunders and unpopular
moves, resulting in major electoral setbacks for his party a few years
after the "revolution" that brought them to power.

Strangely, Mackinnon's sources--other than the odd cab driver--seem
to consist entirely of the people receiving funding from the West.
Independent critics, apart from aging and deposed former politicians,
are virtually nonexistent in his reporting.

Still, the question: did the West do good? In the final pages, Mackinnon is equivocal and even indecisive.

Some countries are "freer and thus better," but the Western funding
has made it more likely for repressive regimes to crack down on
would-be democratizing forces. In Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and
Azerbaijan, he is critical of the lack of funds for democratic
promotion, leaving local NGOs and opposition groups hanging. He
attributes this inconsistency to arrangements where American needs are
better served by repressive regimes. In other parts of the chapter, he
finds democracy promotion as a whole to be problematic.

At one point, he comments that "the help that [US agencies] gave to
political parties in countries like Ukraine would have been illegal had
a Ukrainian NGO been giving such aid to the Democrats or Republicans."
One also imagines that Canadians would not be impressed if Venezuela,
for example, gave millions of dollars to the NDP. Indeed, the prospect
seems as ridiculous as it is unlikely...and illegal.

Mackinnon's information suggests, though he does not say it
outright, that associating the idea of "democracy" and its attendant
freedoms with Western funding and US-led meddling in the governance of
countries is likely to undermine legitimate grassroots efforts at
democratization. For example, dissidents in Russia tell Mackinnon that
when they gather to demonstrate, people often look at them spitefully
and ask who is paying them to stand in the street. In one case,
Mackinnon points out that a report from an authoritarian government
claiming that dissidents are pawns of the West is dead-on.

Mackinnon's assessment does not follow this evidence to its
conclusion; he doesn't stray from the view that alignment with either
the US or Russia are the only options for countries in the region.

While alignment with one empire or another may seem to be
inevitable, Mackinnon's implicit Russia-or-US manicheanism obviates
other ways of promoting democracy. Mackinnon ignores, for example, a
decades-long tradition of grassroots solidarity with democratic forces
in countries--predominantly in Latin America--where dictators were
often financially backed and armed by the US government. Such movements
were usually limited to curbing excessive repression rather than
sponsoring democratic revolutions, but this lack of power can be
attributed, at least in part, to the lack of media coverage from
mainstream journalists like Mackinnon.

If one is concerned with democratic decision-making, then surely one
is also concerned with the ability of countries to make decisions
independently of the meddling of foreign powers. Mackinnon also does
not address how such independence might be brought about. One can
speculate that it would involve preventing the aforementioned meddling.

The New Cold War is notable for its thorough account of
the internal workings of democracy promotion and the point of view of
those receiving the funding. Those looking for an analysis that bring
such a thorough accounting to its actual aims and effects, however,
will have to look elsewhere.

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May 22, 2007

The "Pro-American" Terrorists

The "Pro-American" Terrorists

By Julia Gorin | May 22, 2007On cue, within minutes of news that four Albanians were involved in a plot to attack American soldiers in New Jersey,
we were treated to the familiar disclaimers of Albanian
pro-Americanism, meant to keep us on program — lest the American people
finally demand a reevaluation of our self-destructive 1990s alliances
which still dictate current policy.

“3 Brothers implicated in Fort Dix plot had roots in fiercely pro-U.S. region,” rang out an International Herald Tribune headline of a widely printed AP story:


Muslim brothers who allegedly helped plot to kill soldiers at a U.S.
Army base have roots in one of Europe’s most pro-American corners — a
region that remains grateful to the United States for ending the Kosovo

Albania was among the first countries to answer Washington’s call for troops to help support U.S.-led military offensives in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Pristina, the capital of Kosovo…U.S. flags are commonplace…


A Washington Post article began: “They hail from one of the most pro-American and secular parts of the Muslim world — the ethnic Albanian regions of Macedonia, where gratitude for U.S.
assistance in Kosovo during the 1990s still runs high.” The same week,
an Albanian-Canadian broadcaster assured Canucks, “No one loves
Americans more than Albanians do” -- something that one Albanian
spokesman after another repeats.  


are the most pro-American people in the world! everyone proclaims as
Albanians burn churches, kill nuns and behead monks in Kosovo, the
“most pro-American state-in-progress.” Ah yes, this is who loves
America. A dubious endorsement indeed. Everywhere else, we are hated for trying to beat back jihad. In Kosovo, Albania
and the Albanian Diaspora, they love us for enabling it. Any time you
help Muslims kill Christians, just like any time you help one
nationality clean out its ethnic rival, it’ll thank you. For a little


Don’t be fooled. Albanian love is conditional. And it’s waning fast.


This was the overnight bus ride from Pristina to Montenegro that Weekly Standard contributor and longtime champion of Balkan Muslims Stephen Schwartz described last year for a site called


man behind me began speaking almost immediately and without stopping,
in Albanian — which I understand…insistently focused on the nature of
God…[and on] the evil intentions of Americans,
and bloodshed. I was startled because it is rare to hear Albanians,
after the rescue of Kosovo, badmouth Americans…”God is one, who are
these people like this American who come and try to tell us how to be
Muslims? What about
Iraq? Why is this American here with his friend?”


Schwartz then described a rest stop:


did not find out where I was until I asked a waiter in the restaurant,
because none of the Albanians crowded in the back with me and my Sufi
companion and the whisperer in darkness would speak civilly to me. When
I asked one man, in Albanian, the name of the town, he answered in
Serbian: “ne znam,” “I don’t know.” Another said it was the Montenegrin
capital, Podgorica (it wasn’t). And finally a thin punk who could not
have been over 20, and who, I soon realized, had been encouraging the
voice behind me, said in perfect English, “I don’t understand English.”
At the end of the rest period all three people filed back into the bus
and avoided looking at me.


woke up and asked me what was going on. I told him, “Someone back here
is making Wahhabi speeches.” He grinned as if in disbelief, but said,
“I’m not surprised.”


befuddled Mr. Schwartz continued: “But I am known in the Balkans as an
opponent of radical Islam…I had repeatedly been recognized during this
trip on the streets and in mosques in
Albania and Kosovo, and was previously warmly greeted.”


good will is acquired by doing someone’s bidding, pro-Americanism is
won for the wrong reasons, and the gratitude will turn the moment we
stop furthering that party’s agenda. In Kosovo, it began happening as
early as 2000, when the Kosovars started calling for the UN and NATO
“occupiers” to get out. Nor do the American and British flags
hanging upside-down
from Pristina’s Victory Hotel bode well for the future of
pro-Americanism in “Kosova”. Meanwhile, the Wahhabi Muslims who started
flooding Kosovo upon our intervention have been making sure that young
Albanians sour on us anyway. In an article titled “
Behind Kosovo’s Façade,” Balkans observer Russell Gordon writes:


many areas young Kosovo Albanians are being converted to the Wahabist
faction, and are highly visible in their telltale short haircuts,
beards, and ankle-length pants. As well, many Arabs are present from
Middle East
and France….Moreover, anti-Western jihadist sermons are now a regular
feature at many of the new mosques. Western military intelligence
officials have stated that the findings of their investigations into
the jihadist terror networks is routinely ignored or blocked by NATO,
UN and US officials.


And yet, just one year before his eye-opening bus ride, Mr. Schwartz wrote what many Albanians still claim:


are not now and never have been, in recent times, ‘Muslim militants’ in
Kosovo, aside from a handful of individuals and some Saudi and other
Gulf Arab-state cells operating through relief agencies…No
‘international Islamist factions’ are present in Kosovo or presently
involved with Kosovo. No ‘international Islamist factions’ were
involved in the Kosovo war…Kosovar Muslims are extremely anti-Islamist
and pro-American.


Kosovo is the most heavily-policed, militarily-occupied region in Europe.
It does not now and has never had a ‘fundamentalist minority’ in the
sense the term is now understood, and no serious evidence to the
contrary can be produced.


what happened? Did the Albanians whom Mr. Schwartz encountered on his
bus trip turn fundamentalist overnight? Not according to a 1992 report
by the Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, as Insight


experienced an unexpected renaissance in communist Yugoslavia in the
mid-1970s…According to a TFTUW report, the Yugoslav government in
Belgrade was concerned about what it saw as evidence that within its 40
percent Muslim population there were ‘’Muslim terrorists operating
against the West'’ and that ‘’Yugoslav Muslim youths were drawn into
cooperation with and emulation of Arab terrorists.'’


NATO invasion only sped up a process that was already well underway.
Here was the scene in 1980s Kosovo, as reported by almost every major
paper at the time. From a 1987
New York Times article:


Orthodox churches have been attacked, and flags have been torn down.
Wells have been poisoned and crops burned. Slavic boys have been
knifed, and some young ethnic Albanians have been told by their elders
to rape Serbian girls.

The goal of the radical nationalists among them, one said in an interview, is an ‘’ethnic
Albania that includes western Macedonia, southern Montenegro, part of southern Serbia, Kosovo and Albania

Slavs flee the protracted violence, Kosovo is becoming what ethnic
Albanian nationalists have been demanding for years, and especially
strongly since the bloody rioting by ethnic Albanians in Pristina in
1981 — an ‘’ethnically pure'’ Albanian region, a “Republic of Kosovo”
in all but name.

Last summer, the authorities in Kosovo said they documented 40 ethnic Albanian attacks on Slavs in two months…Officials in
Belgrade view the ethnic Albanian challenge as imperiling the foundations of the multinational experiment called federal Yugoslavia
, which consists of six republics and two provinces.

federal Secretary for National Defense, Fleet Adm. Branko Mamula… said
ethnic Albanian subversives had been preparing for ‘’killing officers
and soldiers, poisoning food and water, sabotage, breaking into weapons
arsenals and stealing arms and ammunition, desertion and causing
flagrant nationalist incidents in army units.'’

Ethnic Albanians already control almost every phase of life in the autonomous
province of Kosovo
including the police, judiciary, civil service, schools and factories.
Non-Albanian visitors almost immediately feel the independence — and
suspicion — of the ethnic Albanian authorities.

The hope is that something will be done…to exert the rule of law in Kosovo while drawing ethnic Albanians back into
Yugoslavia’s mainstream.


We certainly precluded that.


the plan to kill American soldiers in New Jersey and the Bosnian
jihadist in Utah earlier this year — police still don’t have a motive,
which usually means it’s jihad — the reevaluation of our Balkan
policies almost began. (The Kosovo and
Bosnia connections to the Madrid and London
bombings apparently weren’t enough). But the reevaluation and the
turning of the Kosovo independence tide that it could bring threaten to
once again recede into oblivion, as Americans are coaxed into accepting
the ubiquitous explanation that the Ft. Dix four were an exception, a
fluke, an aberration, and that the genesis of their act has nothing to
do with Albanianism, but with a scourge that Albanians, like everyone
else, suffer from and are averse to: militant Islam.


“Few ethnic Albanians embrace militant Islam,” assured the aforementioned AP report. “Most are moderate or secular.”


line, present in every news item about Albanian or Bosnian Muslims for
the past decade, has been repeated ad nauseum by the many Albanians
interviewed for various follow-up articles to the
Ft. Dix
story, with many insisting that this kind of religiousness is “not
Albanian.” But when you cast your lot with the radicals who help your
land grab, when you accept help from them and align your early goals
with theirs, do you really think they won’t come to collect?


When Albanians object to depictions of them based on events in recent years, their sentences start with “Albanians have never been…”, or “Albanians historically
are not…” — without understanding that they should be speaking in the
past tense. However this “nominally” Muslim population started out,
there is only one direction for it to go  from here. (Besides, the
long-existent mosques serving the Albanian communities of
Staten Island and New Jersey, not to mention the Albanian-American Islamic Cultural Centers that dot the American landscape, belie the “nominal” claim.)


being religious, and not being even a “cultural Muslim”, didn’t keep
former Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj (currently on trial for
war crimes) from meeting with
bin Laden in Tirana in 1995, along with his fellow non-religious Christian-killer (and Albright darling) Hashim Thaci – at the Albanian president’s offices (Sali Berisha, who is now the Albanian prime minister).


And as we know by now, one doesn’t need to be a practicing Muslim to feel aggrieved when Muslims are arrested for plotting or committing terrorism:


“We all have been supporters of America. We were always thankful to America for its support during the wars in Kosovo and Macedonia,” a cousin, Elez Duka, 29, told The Associated Press.


are simple, ordinary people and they’ve got nothing to do with
terrorism. I expect their release and I expect an apology,” he said,
waving his hands. “I see injustice. These are ridiculous charges.”


indignation captured the mood among Muslims in Kosovo, Macedonia and
Albania — places that have repeatedly expressed gratitude to the United
States for intervening in the 1998-99 Kosovo war and a 2001 ethnic
conflict that pushed Macedonia to the brink of civil war.

“I don’t see that they committed any act or that (the authorities) have facts,” he said. “They live in
and grew up in the American culture. How can you say they are
anti-American? These accusations are totally unfounded. They have
recordings of words, not deeds.”


this report illustrates, even nominally Muslim pro-Americanism is a
brittle thing. And as soon as you deviate from the agenda, the
honeymoon is over.


same report quotes Kosovo “Prime Minister” Agim Ceku, who wrote a
letter to the U.S. mission in Pristina, “expressing the ‘extraordinary
feeling that Kosovo’s people have for the U.S.’ Ceku also denounced
what he called ‘the disgusting idea’ that Albanians could be involved
in an attack ‘against a nation that has been very generous so far.’”


So far.


That means more is expected, and when those are the terms of “friendship”, the future for a pro-American Kosova doesn’t look bright.


the architects of our Kosovo war continually boast that not a single
American life was lost in their “successful” war, the appropriate
response is “Not yet.” The Albanian strategy in Kosovo in fact has been
a replay of the Oslo accords: Accept Western/infidel help for as long
as it furthers your territorial ambitions; then, once the great powers
are no longer willing to carry you to the next stage, revert to
“traditional” methods and take up arms against them. This has been the
modus operandi of Islamic conquest for the past several decades. So
either we’re looking at a striking confluence of methodology between
Islam and “Albanianism” -- which is strongly bound by nationalist and
clan loyalties --  or its’ no coincidence at all.


Albanian weapons, meanwhile, have been turned against the area’s
Western benefactors for some time already. When shot at by Albanians in
trying to protect Serbs, KFOR troops are
to flee rather than return fire, which would draw attention to the
region and beg the question, “Why are the people we went to war for
shooting at us?”


In addition to the intermittent threats to go to war against NATO (which is in addition to actually shooting
at peacekeepers since 2001), it turns out that both KLA and its
mujahideen accomplices were fighting Americans at the same time that
Americans were fighting the Serbs for them. As one American peacekeeper
who was deployed to the area admitted last week in an article meant to
Albanians, “One of our central missions was to protect ancient
Christian churches that the Mujahideen were blowing up. Our area
experienced the occasional IED and drive by shooting almost never aimed
at US forces.”


This would help explain how an Albanian applicant to al Qaeda could claim, “I have Kosovo Liberation Army combat experience against Serb and American forces. I need no further training. I recommend (suicide) operations against (amusement) parks like Disney.” (Emphasis added.)


And, writes’s Mickey Bozinovich:


recent beating of an American peacekeeper by local Albanian Muslims
illustrates the fragility of the American military position in that
province if Muslim Albanian drug interests are threatened: an unnamed
American soldier was found off duty at a gas station and beaten silly
by Muslim Albanians because his unit took part in foiling an
unidentified illegal plot.


a February mission to Brussels, after getting the usual empty
assurances of protections for Kosovo’s non-Albanian minority, American
Council for Kosovo Director Jim Jatras asked a Hungarian member of the
European Parliament, “Isn’t all this talk of protections for Serbs a
tacit admission that among the Kosovo Albanians are a lot of violent
and intolerant people? Why would you reward their violence with state


Looking Jatras in the eye, the parliamentarian replied, “Because we’re afraid of them.”


Afraid…of pro-American people?


pro-Americanism is what we so desperately seek, what about the
pro-American deed of rescuing 500 American pilots shot down in
during WWII? The airmen were rescued by the Serb Draza Mihailovich and
his anti-Axis guerillas. The late U.S. Major Richard Felman wrote:


few days after the Germans had seen us bail out and counted ten
parachutes, they sent an ultimatum to the Chetnik [Serb] Commander in
the hills to either turn over my crew of ten to them or they would wipe
out an entire village of 200 women and children…But Gen. [Draza]
Mihailovich would hear none of it… He told us how life is just as
precious to the Serb as it is to the American.


resistance to Nazi forces “would have far-reaching implications for the
outcome of the entire war,” explained Aleksandra Rebic, a military
daughter who lived down the street from one of the rescued men. Of the
500 Americans rescued, she


would be nursed back to health by the Serbs loyal to Mihailovich, who
at great risk to themselves, would shelter, feed, and protect these men
who were foreigners on their soil. 500 American young men would return
home to become fathers and husbands and later grandfathers who would
tell their children and grandchildren the story of how their lives had
been saved so many thousands of miles away by a man named Draza


Writes author William Dorich:


Serbs lost 52% of their adult male population fighting in the First
World War as American allies. Twenty-four years later the Serbs were
the only people in the Balkans to declare war on Nazi Germany. Hitler
bombed the “open city” of
on Palm Sunday in 1942, killing 17,000 Serbs in one day. Surrender
followed ten days later as the Nazis invaded. The Serbs lost another
one-third of their population in the Holocaust again fighting as
American allies, especially against their own Croat, Bosnian Muslim and
Albanian Nazis.


Then there are always pro-American acts of omission. While we see more and more reports of terrorism being plotted against the U.S. from the “unlikely” Balkan quarters of Kosovo, Bosnia and Albania,
there seems to be a lack of anti-U.S. Serb terror in the works. Except,
of course, in the movies and TV shows we write about them.


no, we preferred, and prefer, to cast our lot with the Balkans’ most
primitive elements — sacrificing friends to make friends of our
enemies. Men who severed Christian heads, killed federal employees who
were Albanian for “collaborating”, and violently
their own ranks are the “statesmen” whom Condoleezza Rice and Nicholas
Burns meet with regularly, the men we’ve set up as the legitimate
rulers of an ethnically pure pro-American Kosovo, and who were honored
guests at the 2004 Democratic Convention.


than rule of law, religious freedom, ethnic diversity, equal justice
and civil rights, Kosovo is governed by lawless, tribalistic,
blood-code-following, clan-oriented mob justice. While reports out of
Serbia concern debates in public schools over Evolution versus
Intelligent Design theory — similar to our own — a typical report out
of Kosovo concerned a debate over
whether to kill the KFOR (NATO) mascot because the dog was Serbian.


defending our way of life,” our leaders told us in 1999. Perversely
enshrining those ‘common values,’ a crude replica of the Statue of
Liberty overlooks our mono-ethnic handiwork from atop the Victory Hotel
where the American flag hangs upside-down just a few yards below.
Nearby are
Bill Clinton Boulevard and Wesley Clark Avenue
— tributes cited recently as examples of the area’s pro-Americanism.
(There are also streets named for Eliot Engel, Bob Dole and Madeleine
Albright.) Meanwhile, the former terrorists whom we installed as the
“Kosovo Protection Force” and as the legitimate government of the
province attend annual July 4th celebrations at the U.S. Consulate in
Pristina. One proposed banner for the competition to design “Kosova’s”
new flag mimics the American flag, with the two-headed black Albanian
eagle in the corner where the 50 stars would be, plus red and white


The narco-terrorist gangster state we created is pro-American. Are we
so desperate for an endorsement that we must grasp it even if it comes
from a terror-friendly horde, our support of whom is already coming
home to roost?


Here is a description of the lifestyles of the families of the Ft. Dix suspects from The Washington Post:


among those varied families for the past seven years were the Dukas, a
three-generational clan of ethnic Albanians. Their Muslim religious
garb, repeated minor run-ins with the law, and a brood of up to 20
children, grandchildren and other relatives…


And from the AP:


women in the ethnic Albanian family wore head scarves. They kept farm
animals in the backyard until others in the neighborhood of tidy
two-story houses complained…Neighbors there said four or five families
appeared to be living in the house...


Albanians, Bosnians, Croats and Serbs — even with all the documented
and imagined crimes attributed to the Serbs — the Serbs were the
Balkans’ most civilized element. Add up Serb crimes, multiply them by
10, and they’re still not as scary as the people they were fighting.
(Or do we need to get into the
skull-crushing, eye-gouging, bloody-knife-licking,  using the “Serb-cutter”, raping-and-burning, neck-sawing, beheading and disemboweling
that Bosnians, Croats and Albanians engaged in?) So now ask why Serbs
were so hated by those they were fighting. And ask why KLA targeted
Americans and Serbs together.


you accept Albanian pro-Americanism, you must first ask what made
Albanians anti-Serb. Then you must look at photos of what the KLA did
to its enemies, so that when you’re exchanging niceties and recipes
with your Albanian neighbors, keep in mind that, by and large, the KLA
terrorists remain their national heroes.

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