October 05, 2006

Crossfire War - Three Way Ethnic Divsions Restablished in Bosnia Elections

Crossfire War - Three Way Ethnic Divsions Restablished in Bosnia Elections

Op-Ed Contributor

Crossfire War - Three Way Ethnic Divsions Restablished in Bosnia Elections
By Willard Payne

Crossfire War - TEHRAN WATCH - Southeast Europe Theatre: Tehran - Sarajevo - Zagreb - Belgrade/Brussels - Vienna - Berlin; Three Headed Bosnia Presidency at Odds with Itself - Recent Elections Create More Divisions

Night Watch: SARAJEVO - When the fighting ended in 1995 in Bonsia-Herzegovina an attempt to prevent further conflict was made by instituting a three-man Presidency, each one representing a major ethnic group, which the fighting in the former Yugoslavia revolved around. One representative was Muslim, one Serb and the third Croatian. Elections held Sunday revealed that not only are the ethinc divisions still very much there. but it seems with the campaign rhetoric still going on, that the country could come apart at the ethnic seams. [RAWSTORY]
The Bosnian Muslim winner, the one who will hold the Muslim seat of the Presidency, Haris Silajdzic ran on a campaign of national unity, in order to strengthen the central government. With that in mind he openly advocated the elimination of the other two ethnic "statelets", Republic of Srpska that represents Bosnian Serbs, based in Banajulka, and to also eliminate the Croat ethnic federation. Responding in kind has been Bosnian Serb representatives including the winner of the Serbian seat of the Presidency - Nebojsa Radmanovic. He has stated that if Srpska is elimanted then Bosnian Serbs will secede from the country, which would cause Bosnia-Herzegovina to disappear from the map of Europe.
Recently, crossfirewar.com reported on the state ceremony in Banjaluka by the Presidents and Prime Ministers of both Serbia-Belgrade and Republic of Srpska-Banjaluka in which they signed an economic unity agreement. I wrote at the time that I also suspected there was an understanding between both Serb communities that in times of crisis they would work together again militarily as in the first Balkan war from 1991-95. Both capitals know they are by no means alone as a result of the security agreement signed in January between Belgrade - Tehran. Iran is aware that a resumption of fighting here will direct Vienna - Brussels - NATO's attention away from Tehran's nuclear weapons program. This is definitely a crisis opportunity Tehran cannot pass up.
Contributing to the self-destructive forces within this three headed monster Presidency is that the Croatian winner of the Croat Presidential seat may not have the support of most Croats. Zeljko Komsic does not have widespread support among the Croatian community and it seem he was mostly supported by Bosnian Serbs. Political analyst Tanja Topic told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa, "If Silajdzic (Muslim) and Dodik (Serb) continue with their rhetoric we can expect the radicalization of the situation in Bosnia." She added, "Such a situation would push us some five to ten years back and would just prolong the agony of a certain international protectorate here." Nationalistic Croatians are openly threatening to overturn the elections.
Nothing would please Tehran more than to have the West confined to fighting so close to home in Southeast Europe in a desperate attempt to prevent the war from spreading into Central Europe, Vienna and beyond. But Vienna has only itself to blame along with the European capitals, Berlin - Brussels - Paris, that created this three headed monster when they eagerly recognized the preverse, twisted boundary of Croatia that deliberately cut off Serbia's access to the Adriatic Sea. Nor was it any coincidence the Muslim community was the most victimized by the resulting violence, war, when NATO imposed an arms embargo on Bosnia-Herzegovina. But that opened the door for Tehran-Ankara to send Islamic fighters into the area and those military-terrorist bases are still there waiting for the call to be re-activated.
The stage for this front was set by the 55 headed hydra called the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), it was supposed to have been orchestrated by Vienna in the name of the New World Order proclaimed in 1990. They intended to conduct a carefully arranged crisis which they assumed they could solve diplomatically but they underestimated the impact of weapons dealears. According to official statistics the ethnic demographics are 48% of Bosnia-Herzegovina is Muslim, 34% Serbian Orthodox Christian and 15% Croatian Catholic. Since the divided Yugoslavia unleashed a lot of dormant old world chaos, each division can be a religious-nationalistic reason to restart the war.
So now there are three flashpoints in the Balkans that can erupt simultaneously: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia. The eventual conclusion of that war will re-draw the map of Europe once again.
Night Watch Information Service



A brief report on the conference held on 28 September

A brief report on the conference held on 28 September

On Oct 1, 2006, at 6:50 PM, Mila Nolan wrote: 

Thank you Mila.
I would like to add that Congressman Trent Franks (R-Arizona) made some encouraging remarks during lunch.
On Oct 1, 2006, at 6:50 PM, Mila Nolan wrote:
 Dear Friends,

 This is a brief report on the conference held on September 28 at the
 Capitol Hill Club in Washington D. C coordinated by James Jatras and
 the American Council for Kosovo with Christian Solidarity
 International and Religious Freedom Coalition.
 My comments are rather personal and informal because I did not take
 notes, but listened intently to the many excellent speakers and
 panelists who came to express views and concerns about religious
 freedom, independence and "Islamic fascism" that is becoming daily, a
 fast growing global concern.
 The issue of Kosovo and its future was of course the main reason for
 this conference and the range of speakers was impressive and included
 Ambassador James Bissett, former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia;
 Peggy Birchfield, Executive Director, Religious Freedom Coalition;
 Joseph Grieboski, President, Institute on Religion and Public Policy;
 Robert Spenser, Director of JihadWatch. org.; Fr. Keith Roderick,
 Christian Solidarity International; Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media;
 Nikolas Gvosdev, The National Interest - along with many other
 significant writers, authors and journalists - Doug Bandow, Julia
 Gorin, John Hulsman, Steven Meyer, Wanda Schindley, Greg Copley
and Srdja Trffkovic.
 Very supportive and sincere luncheon remarks were given by Congressman
 Trent Franks -  and a very poignant  and moving opening speech was
 delivered by Bishop Artemije of Kosovo and Metohija.
 I am naming these people ( and missed a few ) because those of you who
 track this issue should be aware of who is on our side.
 Below is a list of points that were most interesting to me.
 * Kosovo and the issue of independence is increasingly linked by many
 "alert" people to the growing threat of Islamic fascism. The fact that
 150 Christian churches in Kosovo have been destroyed under the
 watchful eyes of KFOR and NATO troops while nearly 300 new mosques
 have been erected of the Wahabbi persuasion, many donated by Saudi
 money and flying Saudi flags, surely flies in the face of those who
 pretend that an independent Kosovo will be a multinational state with
 religious freedom.
 * However, in spite of these ominous signs, the U.S with its European
 partners seem, like Pontius Pilate to want to wash their hands of this
 bloody Balkan fiasco, finish the job and declare a victory for mob
 rule even if these pillars of high minded Western values have to rip
 Kosovo away ILLEGALLY from Serbia, a sovereign state, without its
 consent - and even if Russia and China veto independence in the UN
 Security Council. This rape represents not only the law of the jungle
 where  "might makes right ", but in this case, given the obvious
 lunacy, it would appear that the inmates are running the asylum.
 * Kosovo is in fact a terrorist zone and a black hole of corruption
 with criminality, drug trafficking/manufacturing, (three known
 laboratories, aided and abetted by members of America's own military
 camp, Bond Steel) and with white slave trafficking making up the only
 viable economy. Its prime minister, Agim Ceku is a KNOWN murderer,
 dripping with blood, though welcomed in Washington. There is no rule
 of law, minorities live in concentration camps in mortal fear of their
 lives and the new brand of Islamic fundamentalism has joined ranks
 with the Albanian mob to launch their Islamic fascist terrorism into
 Europe and beyond.
 * People at the conference representing religious freedom around the
 world, did not mince words and found it hard to locate  ANY minority
 religious group that lived freely and without threats or intimidation
 where there was a majority Muslim rule. Because the law of Islam
 allows only three possibilities for the infidel; convert to Islam,
 become part of the dhiimmi ( slaves or second class people who pay
 steep taxes ), or lastly, leave or lose your head!
 * Some other interesting points made were that  Muslim leaders at
 meetings like one held in Pakistan made clear Muslim strategic
 interests in Bosnia and  Kosovo. Dreams of the Caliphate are growing
 exponentially! Also alarming was the tracking trend that found that
 political and other types of projects, worldwide, backed by Wahabbi
 money tended to win acceptance every time proving once more that money
 * The prognosis for Kosovo is not good, but there is a glimmer of hope
 if the issue of independence can be postponed and if the very real
 threat of Islamic JIHAD rattles a few more brains in Washington so
 that the dots can be connected before independence for Kosovo is
 * Also, the leaders of the Serbian government are hanging tough on
 this issue and will remain unified at least until after November's
 elections. Nor is the West  offering any real carrots! There is no
 fast track or even a slow track for Serbs to enter the EU which some
 panelists thought might be a blessing in disguise because Serbs would
 only have to give in, give up and humiliate themselves even more to
 get into Le Club EU.  It was noted by some panelists for instance that
 the political mindset in the U.S . was  so STUCK that Serbs were
 automatically discounted in any argument in favor of the opposing
 This was a remarkable conference with some of the best and sanest
 voices in the land, but the message must reach beyond the choir.
 Bishop Artemije was profound when he said " Detaching Kosovo from
 Democratic Serbia, of which it is an integral part would mean a
 virtual sentence of extinction for my people... and create a rogue
 state in which the terrorists are the government. .... Sacrificing our
 land and our blood cannot buy protection from JIHAD".
 I pray to God that the Powers That Be are listening well and hear
 these prophetic words!
 Mila Lazarevich-Nolan