May 24, 2006

Montenegrin Independence

From: Dragan Rakic

Subject: RE: Montenegrin Independence
The, now, former member of the Serbian and Montenegrin Union, Montenegro became the newest European state two days ago, by expressing its will on the referendum for independence.

The international observers stated that the vote was regular and that some 83% of voters were present at the poles. But there is something that disturbs that "regularity", which seemed to be perfect. The Montenegrin Prime minister Mr. Milo Djukanovic who organized the vote, invited "all the Montenegrins
from all around the World to come to vote". That is what happened. People from USA, UK, Germany and other continents were interviewed at some European TV channels, and to those who understand the language it was quite strange to hear instead of Serbian, the Albanian language. One might come to conclusion that Albanians came to vote for the independence. It would not be that important if one knows that the Montenegrins living in Serbia were not allowed to vote at this referendum. Knowing that Montenegrins make some 30% of the Serbian population, one could ask what could have happened if they voted. In the other hand, Mr. Djukanovic, the Montenegrin Prime minister, expressed his worries about what would become 30 % of them after the independence is declared. With a little tour of " humanitarian problem", " The non respect of minorities" etc, he may easily create the situation we knew in Bosnia or in Kosovo. Nevertheless it should be noted that he did not allow the Montenegrins from Serbia to vote.

Is it regular or not � ?

Dragan RAKIC

Question: After all, the Albanians outnumber Serbs in Kosovo (largely through illegal crossing of Albanians into Kosovo from Albania but only make up 19% of Serbia as a whole. When legal and illegal Mexicans -- while still a minority in the United states as a whole -- become the "majority in California, Arizona or Texas, which is fast approach if the President's non-admitted amnesty bill goes through, will their "majority" be able to vote for separation from the United States without the vote opened to all America?" This is what the Serbs are facing.


MONTENEGRO - ANOTHER GERMAN PUPPET STATE? Report by the German Journalists of 19/5/06Translated by Edward Spalton 20/5/06 for
Germany calling

Decline of The West, Playing the Montenegro Card by George Szamuely Playing the Montenegro Card

"It looks like NATO will soon be renewing its war against Serbia. Montenegro will provide the justification. NATO is playing the same game in Montenegro that it played in Kosovo."

Chronicles Online, April 25, 2001Montenegro Elections: Djukanovic�s crushing defeat Srdja Trifkovic

He [Milo Djukanovic] is Milosevic�s disciple, his creation. He may parade as a democrat now, but his instincts have always been authoritarian and remain so today." The leading daily newspaper, Pobjeda, is controlled by the government and accordingly looks and reads like a party organ from the pre-1989 Eastern Europe. The second-largest circulation daily, Vijesti, and the leading weekly, Monitor, while theoretically "independent," are both outspoken in their support of separatism and effectively pro-government. They enjoy lavish financial support from the National Endowment for Democracy and from George Soros , among others.

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