February 12, 2008

EU “EULEKS” Poised for Nazi Style Blitzkrieg on Kosovo


EU “EULEKS” Poised for Nazi Style
Blitzkrieg on Kosovo




Unwanted, unwelcome, illegal, illegitimate, the EU mission
is poised to make a Nazi style blitzkrieg into Kosovo to broker the
Sudetenland Germans, I mean Albanian mafia criminal terrorists, for an
unprecedented, unparalleled post World War 2 land grab, tearing away for the
first time the land of a sovereign European state in violation of all norms,
all agreements, the UN Charter and UN Resolution 1244...the first time for
such an occurrence since the UN was founded to prevent such a thing from
happening again after the horror and devastation of bloody warfare throughout

The Treaty of Rome establishing a European Economic
Community was signed 1957. In the 1950s, the leaders of six European
countries (France, Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg and the Netherlands) agreed to integrate their economic policies
and raw material production through several treaties. The Preamble of the
Treaty of Rome outlines the objectives to improve the living conditions of
individuals, to promote education and to strengthen peace and liberty.

The Maastricht Treaty on European Union led to the
creation of the European Union. The Maastricht Treaty created new levels of
inter-governmental cooperation with the European Union by establishing the
“Three Pillars” of the EU. Pillar One incorporates the founding treaty
mentioned above, addressing the single European market and a variety of
social policies. Pillar Two addresses the EU’s Common Foreign and Security
Policy. Pillar Three addresses cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs. The
Maastricht Treaty affirmatively states that Member States confirm "their
attachment to the principles of liberty, democracy and respect for human
rights and fundamental freedoms and of the rule of law" as well as their
"attachment to fundamental social rights."

Article 6 (2) as amended by the Amsterdam Treaty reads
“The Union shall respect fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Convention
for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms…

Although the EU was ostensibly established with the
expressed aim to protect peace, stability and respect for established
frontiers…it is doing the exact opposite. It is promoting war, utter and
total lawlessness, violence, inequality, injustice and the tearing asunder of
a European state in order to promote mafia criminal narco terrorists and
people traffickers who have and will continue to use the province as a base
from which to launch violence, terror, prostitution and more and more bloody
conflicts. Largely due to its part in the Balkans, the living conditions of
all ethnic groupings have deteriorated and peace and liberty have been denied
to hundreds of thousands of people, especially Serbians and other Kosovo
minorities such as Jews, Roma, Turks and other groups.

In Kosovo, unemployment is rampant and massive. Without
cash flows coming from the empire, the criminal regime established by NATO,
the US and EU would not be able to survive despite its main means of
extraordinary economic opportunity: drug and people trafficking, wanton
theft, murder for hire and revenge killings.

The EU is actually anti-democratic: it raises
interest groups and lobbyists while EU commissioners function without
accountability to nearly a half a billion people. The EU consults with itself
as it thinks it is the only one talking sense. The European Convention, the
body which met to draw up the European Constitution, made a great show of
inviting submissions from “the people.” Nearly 200 organizations were asked
for their opinion. Every one of these organizations was reliant on the EU for
its funding.

Key documents for the Kosovo invasion are being adopted in
Brussels for the mission's arrival there. In the space of just a few days,
two important documents came before the Union, which, if adopted, will give
the mission the “green light” to go to Kosovo. They do not specify when the
mission to Kosovo will start. Rather, that it should last 28 months, with the
possibility of an extension. The mission will be financed by the European
budget, and the first 16 months alone will cost EUR 205mn.

It is stated that the aim of the mission, to be called EULEKS, more properly
they should call it Wehrmacht or Stormtroopers or SS or Einsatzgruppen…is to
promote democracy, economic development and stability in Kosovo.

For different reasons, Belgrade and Pristina view the mission as being the
architect of the province’s independence. The 30-page document that represents
the basis for establishing the mission does not contain a single word
referring to status. And that is no wonder because the EU has absolutely NO
authority to occupy historic, sacred Serbian land.

Serbia is not a member of the EU, but Serbia is by many
standards the most genuine democracy and example of European values on the
entire Continent. Additionally, an illegal and unrecognizable Albanian Kosovo
will NEVER be able to meet any EU standards for freedom, democracy or
economic development in the foreseeable future.

Director of the Swiss Institute of Federalism Thomas
Fleiner says that the UN resolution on the Serbian province of Kosovo and
Metohija gives no legal basis to the EU's mission plans. "The EU has
made it clear that it is sending a mission as part of preparations for the
independence of Kosovo, which would constitute a violation of Resolution 1244
article 10," said Fleiner, a professor of constitutional law at the
University of Freiburg.

The Swiss expert pointed out that Resolution 1244 also
requires "the full cooperation of FRY (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
in its implementation," or that "one of the partner parties
responsible for implementing the solution prescribed by the resolution is
FRY, or its legal successor Serbia."

"That means that all matters relating to the
implementation of the resolution have to be done in cooperation with the
chief partner—Serbia. Once Kosovo province becomes an illegal independent
state, states that are supposed to cooperate in the implementation of the
resolution will no longer have a partner with whom they can cooperate."

Meanwhile, the Russian ambassador to Belgrade Aleksandr
Alekseyev has said that the EU mission can come to Kosovo only via a Security
Council resolution. Asked if Russia was prepared to give the “green light” to
the arrival of such a mission in the Security Council, Alekseyev replied that
“I think it would be a big mistake if the secretary-general gave some sort of
sign that could be interpreted as a “green light” for sending a mission to
Kosovo.” Asked what Moscow could do should Brussels go ahead with sending the
mission, he replied, “Our two countries have already moved from ‘coordinated’
to common policies. You can rest assured that we will, in common contact,
find a way of responding to this challenge,” said Alekseyev.

As far as a unilateral declaration of independence was concerned, should it
happen, the ambassador said that a Security Council session should be called
immediately, and that it “was obliged to take decisions to render that
declaration null and void.” His response to a journalist’s statement that
Russia would never recognize Kosovo was unequivocal: “You can rest assured of

The EU’s determination to meddle in what is strictly an
internal Serbian matter further demonstrates that the EU in its stated
purposes has been an utter failure except for the army of super rich
Eurocrats whose only intention in allowing this gross injustice is enrichment
of the empire and certain corporations, entities and individuals.

Who among the Eurocrats would like to step forward and
proclaim himself the new Hitler of the Fourth Reich also known as the
European Union? The EU is seeking to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of
Herr Hitler, the first powerful European to propose a Greater Albania among
aliens in the heart of Europe. Albanian thugs, war criminals and drug lords
(not even the ordinary common Albanian citizen who was frequently seen
running towards Serbian troops for protection from these criminal elements)
now will profit as direct descendents of Hitler’s great friends and allies
during that miserable, bloody war. All this while they already have a state
of their own called Albania. The EU, acting exactly like Hitler and his
Stormtroopers, does so at its own peril and sadly at the peril of the entire
European continent it purports to secure.




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