October 28, 2010

Is the fate of the world being decided today in the Indian Ocean

michelcollon.info - Investig'Action

 Is the fate of the world being decided today in the Indian Ocean ?


Straddled by the Islamic arch (which stretches from Somalia to Indonesia, passing through the countries of the Gulf and Central Asia), the region has certainly become the world's new strategic centre of gravity. This new chapter in our series 'Understanding the Muslim world', takes us there on a tour. Mohamed Hassan explains to us how China's economic development is overturning the world balance of power and is freeing the countries of the South from their dependence on the West.

He also lays bare the strategies employed by the US in its efforts to maintain its leadership. And why it is that the US empire is nevertheless destined to die. Finally, he predicts the end of globalisation.
It remains to be seen if their planetary domination will end without a struggle, or whether the gangsters will be shooting hostages. read the interview

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