October 02, 2011

James Ker Lindsey, "Good plan opens chances for partition of Kosovo"

James Ker Lindsey, expert

"Good plan opens chances for partition of Kosovo"

T. Spaic | 03. 10. 2011. - 00:02h | Comments 0

'Although some of the world most powerful countries are strongly opposing changing of borderlines, there are two realities in the field. One is that Kosovo is independent and the second one is that Serbs in the north are opposing authority of Pristina. It seems that it is possible to find a compromise. If Serbia has to accept independence of Kosovo, then Pristina has to accept that the north is a part of Serbia. Direct consequences of refusal of compromise shall have to bear both Serbia and Kosovo and not the USA or Russia', James Ker Lindsey, British expert in international relations in the Southeast Europe says in his interview with 'Blic'.

Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science was in Belgrade several days ago where he promoted his latest book 'Kosovo – The Path to Contested Statehood in the Balkans', explains for 'Blic' that only countries not suffering direct consequences from their decisions can take hard stances.

'Russia may have strong stance towards refusal of Kosovo independence but it does not have to pay for that by its relation with the EU as Belgrade does. The USA also can insist on its stance but that shall not cost it the UN membership or participation in sports competition, or having a postal code or the Internet domain. If that is understood then Belgrade and Pristina may try to reach a compromise', Lindsey says.

  What are the consequences of deployment of Kosovo policemen and customs officers in the north of Kosovo? Is that not a change of reality in the field?

- Pristina says clearly that it intends to establish the sovereignty in the whole territory of Kosovo. However, that need not mean that the last chance for negotiations over the Kosovo north has been lost. However, Serbian Government has to be very open towards the population and say that Serbia can no longer fight for the whole Kosovo. If we want to take the north, then we have to put some plan on the table. That has to be done very soon.

  In what way can Belgrade do it?
- The key supporters of Pristina independence know that it shall not be easy and that it would cost them a lot that Pristina takes over control in the north because of strong hostility by the local Serbs towards authorities in Pristina. That is what Belgrade should use and put concrete proposals on the table offering solution. Presenting clear plans by Belgrade can open new possibility for negotiations over the north.


Who might support Belgrade's plan?
- The authorities in Serbia first have to get support of the people in Serbia to accept one huge change. I do not believe there is an alternative. Campaign against recognition of Kosovo independence was incredibly successful, but prevention of recognition does not mean solution to the problem. Large number of countries that have not recognized Kosovo can be a good stake in negotiations. It is necessary to reach a solution that both sides would be able to live with.


How to get the world powers to accept negotiations over partition or status of the north?
- If Belgrade presents a good and precise plan I believe that would make them calculate again the cost of maintaining Pristina's authority in the north.


What would be the maximum that Belgrade could get from the present situation?
- There is possibility that borders are changed and that Kosovo north belongs to Serbia. There are no provisions in international law preventing a country from negotiations over change of its borderlines.


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