October 19, 2011

Serbia Parliament: U.S. ambassador blocked by Radikali


Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:05 AM


Radicals blocked the U.S. ambassador

Source: Beta    19 Oct. 2011

Belgrade - SRS MPs have caused the incident in the Serbian Parliament blocking the entrance to the U.S. Ambassador Mary Warlick and members of the Group of Friendship with the United States.


Radicals protest the arrival of U.S. Ambassador to the Parliament of Serbia (Beta)

The Assembly was to be a meeting of the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with the United States and U.S. Ambassador Mary Warlick on the occasion of 130 years of cooperation with the United States.


The Ambassador has arrived in the Assembly and entered the hall with several members of the Friendship Group. Part of the group members failed to enter the hall, as the radicals blocked the entrance. They wanted the banners to enter the hall, but the security prevented. Radicals after fifteen to twenty minutes removed the front door and hall. As they stand they pointed out the slogan "Children will not forgive you", "Stop killing Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija "," Bloody Mary "(Bloody Mary). "NATO = crime," "murderers, stop killing Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija", "20 years of U.S. crimes against the Serbs", "Blade Mary" ...


SRS MP Boris Aleksic was after the incident, criticized the government for receiving Ambassador Warlick in the Serbian parliament at the time when, as he said, NATO is preparing to attack Serbian barricades in Kosovo and Metohija. He said that is why the Radical members gathered outside the hall where " authority having relations with the United States. " Aleksic said that his colleagues wanted to send a clear message that "the United States conducted 20 years of crimes against the Serbian people and that we are now ready to once and for all finish with the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija." "We were not allowed to enter the meeting. What hide from deputies? they do not hide from deputies from the citizens, "said Aleksic. "They came from the U.S. Embassy to tell them how to behave when U.S. tanks move barricades on Serbian Kosovo. We will not allow them to," said Aleksic. SRS front of the MPs sang the national anthem of Serbia and the song "St. Vitus", "Sprem'te is, Sprem'te" and songs about the SRS leader Vojislav Seselj, on trial in The Hague.


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