April 30, 2012

Serbia Is at Crossroads, while Kosovo is Unstable

Serbia Is at Crossroads, while Kosovo is Unstable

Published: April 30, 2012 18:38, Adelina Marini, Sofia

In the Western Balkans there is a feeling of new hope but there also is a feeling that only a spark would be enough to inflame the old hostilities again. The EU is too consumed by its own problems, popular discontent is rising, the nationalists score success after success. USA is far away and it has already changed its foreign policy focus - it is now watching the Pacific region and China in particular. Russia is also busy with the developments in the Middle East, Iran and North Korea. And the Western Balkans' neighbouring countries continue to be too insecure what they want from life. Such is the situation on the Balkan peninsula a few days before extremely important and even crucial elections in Serbia on May 6th - the day when there will be not less important and crucial elections in Greece and France. Crucial, because on the outcome of the elections will depend the future of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. This was made clear by two politicians - a Serb and a Kosovar. The former is a former official and is pro-European and the latter - incumbent and sober realist.


CONTINUED……………. http://www.euinside.eu/en/faces/serbia-is-at-crossroads-and-kosovo-is-unstable




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